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    • #33670

        Homemade Dishwasher Detergent

        1 1/2 C. washing soda (in the laundry section of the supermarket, not very expensive)

        1/2 C. Borax (ditto here as above)

        1/4 C. citric acid (or 10 pkgs unsweetened lemon kool-aid, this helps with the hard water and helps counter the washing soda a bit)

        1/2 C. salt (if you’re water is hard, this is used to soften the water, prevent water spots…)

        1/2 – 1 tsp liquid dish soap

        OPTIONAL: 10-15 drops of desired essential oil (I’ve used Wild Orange or Lemon, or DoTerra’s OnGuard, be creative)

        OPTIONAL: 3 Tbsp Oxyclean or similar, helps sanitize

        Feel free to double or triple the recipe.

        I store this in an air tight container (a pitcher with snap on lid) and shake well before adding to the dishwasher. We have really hard water here in Wyoming so I certainly do add the salt. Vinegar works very well in the rinse aid compartment and the dishes don’t have a vinegar smell but are spot-free when dry.

      • #33671

          Homemade Dish Soap

          2 cups unscented Castile soap

          20 drops Lime essential oil (or EO of choice)

          8 drops Lemon essential oil (or EO of choice)

          6 drops Citrus Bliss essential oil (or EO of choice)


          1. Fill a large, clean bottle with castle soap; dilute according to instructions if using a concentrate.

          – See more at:

        • #33672

            Homemade Deodorant

            ¼ cup aluminum free baking soda

            ¼ cup arrowroot (can substitute with cornstarch)

            3-5 tablespoons coconut oil

            15 drops desired essential oil (see recommendations below)

            1 empty deodorant container

            Recommended essential oils: Lemon, Melaleuca, Lavender, On Guard, Lime, Geranium, Lemongrass, Purify, and Thyme. (Or any desired EO of choice)

            Editor’s Note: If you live in a warm climate, add one ounce of melted shea or cocoa butter to recipe.


            1. Combine baking soda, arrowroot, and essential oil into bowl.

            – See more at:

            -deodorant tubes:

          • #33673

              Homemade Shampoos and Body Wash

              Shampoo / Body Wash Base:

              1/2 cup of Tropical Traditions organic virgin coconut oil liquid soap, unscented

              1/3 cup homemade coconut milk

              2 tsp. sweet almond oil

              Mix all three ingredients together and place in a shower-safe bottle. I like the small plastic pump bottles or squirt bottles (look for BPA-free bottles). Before each use, you will need to shake the bottle gently to get the ingredients combined again, as the coconut milk will separate as it sits. When using, you don’t need much. Depending on the length of your hair, as teaspoon might be the most you need. This shampoo lathers richly and a little goes a long way. For a body wash, use a little on a wash cloth or a shower pouf. The shampoo and body wash should keep 1 week in the shower. You can also store it in the fridge between uses to preserve it longer.

              Tea Tree Shampoo

              1 batch of the shampoo base

              15-20 drops tea tree essential oil

              10-12 drops chamomile essential oil

              3-5 drops patchouli essential oil (optional)

              Herbal Blend Shampoo and Body Wash

              1 batch of the shampoo base

              10 drops rosemary essential oil

              8 drops lavender essential oil

              6 drops chamomile essential oil

              4 drops peppermint or spearmint essential oil

              Citrus Vanilla Mint Shampoo and Body Wash

              1 batch of the shampoo base

              15 drops vanilla essential oil

              10 drops sweet orange essential oil

              6 drops peppermint essential oil

              Read the full article and comment here:

              Tropical Traditions here:

              How to make homemade coconut milk here:

            • #33675

                Burts Bees Lip Balm Recipe {Copy Cat}


                20 grams Beeswax (about 3 Tablespoons of the whiter beads, but you can use a white/yellow bar too)

                20 grams Cocoa Butter or Coconut Oil (about 2 Tablespoons)

                45 grams Sunflower Oil (1/4 cup)

                8 drops Vitaman E oil (4 vitamin E oil tablets worth)

                2 drops DoTerra Rosemary essential oil

                12 drops DoTerra Peppermint essential oil

                Pea-sized drop of Lanolin (don’t use much of this or your balm will taste bad)


                I added the ingredients in grams so that if you have a little scale you can get accurate & exact measurements (which is best) but if you don’t have a scale I measured them too.

                I never realized how extremely easy it is to make chapstick! Basically all you need to do is melt it all and pour into your containers! Easy peasy.

                When I first started making chapstick recipes I just used a glass measuring cup and melted my recipes in the microwave which worked perfectly fine. But then my microwave broke so now I am using a double boiler method, but you could just melt it in a pot too. I used a metal measuring cup to add all my ingredients into.

                Step one – measure out all your ingredients except essential oils into a cup or pan. I cut open the little Vitamin E tablets and squeezed the good stuff into the cup.

                Next, melt all the ingredients, and stir. The beeswax seemed to take the longest to melt, but it was all melted within a couple of minutes.

                Once it’s all melted add your essential oils and mix it up.

                Then test it out, to make sure it has the flavor you want by letting a tiny bit cool on your finger. Rub it on your lips and check if its just right. If you feel it needs more mint or other flavorings, add more!

                Then use a dropper to add the melted goodness into chapstick tubes. (If it cools too quickly before you’re done filling your tubes, just pop it in the microwave till it melts again.)

                Then voila! You are done. Just let them all cool.

                Beeswax ($0.46)

       (8 oz.) $5.50+ shipping

                Etsy (1 oz. brick) $2.94 shipped

                Amazon (16 oz.) $13.80

                Hobby Lobby: $14.99 1 lb block

                Michaels & Craft Warehouse (1 lb. block) $17.99

                Heathfood store (local) 1 lb. block $11.40

                Cocoa Butter ($0.60)

       (8 oz.) $5.25

                Hobby Lobby (1 oz) $2.99

                The Puritans Pride: 7 oz. $5.79 + free shipping

                Health food store, local ($2 oz.) $5.99

                Amazon (16 oz). $10.25

                Lanolin ($0.06)

                The Puritans Pride (7 oz). $5.99 + free shipping

                The Sage (8 oz.) $8.00 + shipping

                Amazon (7 oz.) $9.85

                Health food store, local (8 oz) $15.70

                DoTerra Essential Oils ($1.05) : Order online from here or from Rosemary / Peppermint. (or any EO you choose)

                Organic Sunflower Oil ($0.28): purchased at Walmart for $3.96 (plus had a $1.00 off coupon on it) so =$2.96 or you can buy some quality oils online

                Vitamin E Oil ($0.23): purchased 15 ct. bottle at Walmart for $0.88

                Lip Balm Tubes: I ordered mine through, but have also heard people order them on ebay inexpensively too.

              • #33676

                  Soothing Salve

                  A good salve can be the base to many amazing recipes. Similar to the texture of petroleum jelly, you can customize this salve with essential oils to meet your needs. Add Breathe to help open up airways, Serenity or Lavender to help you sleep better, or Citrus Bliss for an invigorating moisturizer. The options are endless!

                  What You Need:

                  1/2 cup grapeseed oil (you could use coconut oil here)

                  1/2 cup almond oil

                  2 tablespoons beeswax

                  1/2 tablespoon vitamin E oil

                  5 drops Lavender, Cypress, Melaleuca, Frankincense, and Eucalyptus essential oils

                  Note: This salve recipe has an aroma that will help open up your airways. This is a must have during winter months!

                  – See more at:

                • #33678
                  Dr. Patrick Jones
                  Homestead Instructor

                    Great stuff. Thanks Karen.


                    Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

                  • #33683

                      Doc Jones wrote: Great stuff. Thanks Karen.


                      Thanks! And you are certainly welcome. Thank you for the nice peaceful place to hang out. 🙂

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