Forums Herb-Talk | Archive Everything Else The Kitchen Table A feel good story

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    • #34182

        We picked him up on a highway trying to stop cars.

        Attached files

      • #34183

          And now

          Attached files

        • #34201

            Renee let out a gasp when she saw the first pictures. Looks a lot more healthy. You also need to get him on Aussies Got Talent since he has learned to stand on walls too!

          • #34205

              I’ve got a small pack of dogs and they all have heart wrenching stories. They are the very best friends though. This fella was a chook killer when we got him. (Understandably). He wanted to please us so much that it never got past stern warnings to stop him stalking them. Now, we can leave him in the yard on his own, no worries. I’ve got video of him and the chooks eating together. He didn’t know I was watching.

            • #35614

                As I’m a dog lover, would not control my self to comment on this old post. Dogs are really special and they become just like a family member. I have a dog and her name is Tessy. I seriously can’t see any dog suffering. You have really done a great job. :clap: :notworthy:

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