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    • #37346

        I’ve been trying to get the hang of muscle testing for a while. I’ve got some troubling chronic health problems that I’ve been trying to conquer, but many pharmaceuticals as well as herbs flare things up, so it can be scary to try new things. Muscle testing seems like it could be an answer for me. Problem is, I can’t seem to get consistent answers with any method I’ve tried so far.

        Two questions:

        1) Are there any stories of people who have just struggled and struggled and finally things just clicked? Any tips that helped?

        2) Is it possible to blind yourself to what you are testing to check and see if you are getting a consistent result, or is it necessary to know what it is you are testing? For example, could you put something you already know is bad for you in one opaque vial, and something else that you already know is good for you in another opaque vial, then mix the vials up, randomly test a vial, and then open it to see if your results were accurate, or at least consistent?

        Any suggestions appreciated!

      • #37372
        Dr. Patrick Jones
        Homestead Instructor

          My advice would be to get together with someone local to mentor you a bit.

          Some folks are great at it. Some can’t do it at all.

          Clear your mind completely and be in a peaceful, relaxed condition when you’re doing it. Make sure you ask a clear, yes/no question. “Would this be beneficial for me to take today?

          Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

        • #37514

            is everythink ok right now?

          • #37536

              Muscle testing intrigues me. I saw the kits in the HGH store. But had no idea what they were for. After joining the HGH school and watching the Muscle Testing video, it haunted me all night long. I think it may be a useful tool here during my early learning stage. I can see using it to sort through multiple herb options for a specific situation. Answering questions about warming/cooling, movement/antispasmodic, or histamines/expectorants. I want to choose wisely and try not to make things worse.

              There’s 2 additional steps that I will use with muscle testing.

              1 – Anytime I seek to use divine intervention I say a prayer right before the action. If possible I ask the person to pray with me to help reinforce that this gift is from God not me, that I’m just a tool for God’s will.

              2 – When asking the initial show me yes/no questions, I also want to know “Are you from the light?”. Random connections to interdimensional energy is not always a good thing. It’s pretty much like blindly opening a phone book and picking a name. It could be good or not so good. Bad energies like to be tricksters. They are not supposed to tell out right lies (like many of our politicians) but they do like to mislead, confuse and obfuscate a situation. That’s why it’s important to to keep asking “are you from the light” until you get a definite yes or no. If you get a solid no, end the session and try again later. Only communicate with good energies.

              I’ve also got 2 questions about muscle testing.

              1- Herbs lose medicinal potency over time. I assume that herbs in a Muscle Test Kit are not really a consumable item, that their essence stays ensconscenced in the vials. Do the herbs in the kit need to be replaced/recharged every year or 2 till you don’t need to use the kit?

              2 – I’m a bit conflicted about the effect of money on natural healing. I feel that I’m being called down this herbalist pathway as part of my preparing for what Dr. Patrick calls the zombie apocalypse. I have been helping others for about 10 years and have never asked for or received any money for it, although I have declined it. I’ve been worried that money might inhibit or end spiritual healing connections. Coming to recently know Dr’ Patrick has obviously changed that perception. Yet, it still weighs kinda heavy on my heart and a concern for me. Maybe the key thing to learn here is the importance of keeping the motivation for money as a byproduct and not a goal. Thoughts?

            • #37579
              Dr. Patrick Jones
              Homestead Instructor

                Mine in Bold. 🙂

                jwellsy post_id=6247 time=1610728320 user_id=6634 wrote:

                I’ve also got 2 questions about muscle testing.

                1- Herbs lose medicinal potency over time. I assume that herbs in a Muscle Test Kit are not really a consumable item, that their essence stays ensconscenced in the vials. Do the herbs in the kit need to be replaced/recharged every year or 2 till you don’t need to use the kit?

                I think the essence of what the herbs are remains intact and I wouldn’t worry about it. You could certainly change them if you wanted to. A lot of how muscle testing works connect to the nature of the question. Don’t ask “Should I take this capsule” ask “Should I take this herb?

                jwellsy post_id=6247 time=1610728320 user_id=6634 wrote: 2 – I’m a bit conflicted about the effect of money on natural healing. I feel that I’m being called down this herbalist pathway as part of my preparing for what Dr. Patrick calls the zombie apocalypse. I have been helping others for about 10 years and have never asked for or received any money for it, although I have declined it. I’ve been worried that money might inhibit or end spiritual healing connections. Coming to recently know Dr’ Patrick has obviously changed that perception. Yet, it still weighs kinda heavy on my heart and a concern for me. Maybe the key thing to learn here is the importance of keeping the motivation for money as a byproduct and not a goal. Thoughts?

                There are spiritual gifts and there are business services. I never charge someone for anything remotely spiritual, religious, energetic etc…

                I do charge for an herbal education, consults or a products or service of that nature because I have bills to pay and can’t spend my whole day doing things for free. Food is important and farmers charge for that right? I do occasionally use spiritual, emotional, energetic techniques. I also pray a lot about my clients and cases. I explicitly never charge for that part of anything. I personally believe that doing so can lead to some serious problems.

                So, if you come see me, you’ll be charged for the herbal education or wellness coaching and for the bottle of herbs you take home. You won’t be charged for anything else.

                Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

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