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    • #40420
      Greg Boggs

        So I recently harvested my garlic and got a really great harvest for our garden. I was reading in one of my herb books about the uses of garlic root but now I can’t find it for the life of me! Does anyone know of any uses for garlic root?


      • #40490

          Hello Greg, That was one of my questions that I planned to ask (but haven’t as of yet) Doc. He has Garlic Root in some formulas and I wondered if that was actual “root” or was in meaning garlic clove? I’m sorry, I did not note which formulas but you might search the formulas category for garlic root to find some. (but I don’t know if that was root or clove as I know he says ginger root and explains that he means the rhizome when he says root so, likewise, I wonder about the garlic root …)

        • #40502
          Greg Boggs
          Topic Author

            Heh that was a debate between me and my wife, I was sure it would be the actual roots coming off the bottom of the clove, so the sooner Doc can come in and prove me right, the better 😆 😆

            But I suppose a lesson in humility wouldn’t hurt either 😆

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Greg Boggs.
          • #40872

              I was revisiting the Respiratory Webinar and saw the answer to your question. You will find in the Plants section at the end of the webinar “Garlic Root” and in the details “the bulb is the medicine”. I hope that adds clarity 🙂

              • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Dawn. Reason: spelling correction "buld" to "bulb"
            • #41125
              Dr. Patrick Jones
              Homestead Instructor

                The actual little roots aren’t what I’m using. I’m using the clove or bud or whatever it is…you know, the garlicky part.

                I get pretty lazy with the term “root”. If it’s the part you have to dig up, I call it the root.

                Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

                1 user thanked author for this post.
              • #41185

                  I use ‘honey garlic’ for viral syndromes (i.e. anything flu/cold related).  To make this you peel the garlic cover it with honey and let it sit for as long as you want.  The honey eventually saturates the garlic and takes away that powerful garlic ‘bite’ when you chew on it.  When I’m fighting some horrible crud I alternate chewing on a clove of garlic and taking a dropperful of elderberry tincture.  I am usually over the viral crud within 24-36 hours.  Cheers to herbal medicine!!

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