Forums HomeGrown Herbalist Student Forum Veterinary Herbology Heartworm medications for dogs

  • This topic has 7 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 9 months ago by .
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    • #45432
      Herb Thyme

        Hi, I found Shaundele Leatherberry’s post and dialogue about flea meds very good.  And I have also been wondering about heartworm protection meds and their safety.  Certainly don’t want our dog to get heartworms and he is on Heartguard.  But wonder about their long term safety.  Does anyone know if you can prevent it without using the meds?  And if you do use meds, are there any herbs that will combat any ill effects from the meds?  Maybe Hawthorn Berry?

        I appreciate any ideas!

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      • #45435
        Herb Thyme
        Topic Author

          Also, if they were to get heartworms, what herbs could be used as treatment? Would these also be the “anthelmintics used for humans…white sagebrush, elecampane?

          • #47180
            Janelle Oxford

              I am interested in this as well. Is there a treatment?

          • #45563
            Deanna Fisher

              I found an excellent recipe for herbal bug spray on YouTube on “That 1870’s Homestead Channel”. If you send your dog outside with a good topical form of mosquito protection, they shouldn’t ever get heart worms.

              • #45629
                Herb Thyme
                Topic Author

                  Thank you.  I found the video.  The person used it for humans, but I would think with those ingredients its safe for pets.  Gonna give it a try.  Thanks again

              • #45611

                  Have you used this recipe and found it to be effective?

                • #47391
                  Angela Green

                    I too am interested in heart worm prevention.  I have learned that heart worm is carried by the female mosquito only and by spraying your pet to avoid getting bit, would be a great way to avoid heart worm.  Finding or making a spray that contains neem oil has been proven beneficial. Best of luck out there!  Prevention is key!

                  • #48179
                    Kathryn Looney

                      Hello, I’m a new student and I’m very interested in being able to use herbal medicine to treat my pups.  Specifically, allergies and heartworm alternative meds.  I appreciate the posts – most helpful:)

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