Forums HomeGrown Herbalist Student Forum Nutrition and Exercise Ideal Diet for Dental Regrowth

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    • #61571
      Knight Taylor

        Hi all, long-time lurker, first time poster, just had a question on dental health:

        We’ve got Doc Jones’ formula for teeth which includes horsetail, and have been using that on and off as we felt necessary (not too frequently), but my wife’s found out she has some small cavities and is trying to heal them before they need filling.

        We’re getting rid of the sugars in the household and planning to return to a Keto-adjacent diet, but we wanted to know if anyone else has found some good resources for good tooth-regrowing, oral microbiome-boosting diets to follow while also using horsetail. Any ideas?

        (As an aside, I’ve also heard about something called Lumina probiotic, which claims to be a genetically modified version of a particular oral bacteria, in that it doesn’t produce tooth-decaying acids. We’re on the fence on that, since it sounds so odd, is expensive, is experimental, and has a long wait list, but if anyone here’s had experience with that, I’d love to hear it!)

        Thanks all! : )

        • This topic was modified 2 weeks, 3 days ago by Knight Taylor. Reason: Forgot to add some tags
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