
  • This topic has 24 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 9 months ago by .
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    • #15788
      Erika Shaver-Nelson

        Hi! I am a new student and this is my first post!  I have experienced muffled hearing in one or another of my ears off and on for a couple years now.  There are long stretches where it is ok, and then periods where it feels like it blocks up and I can’t hear very well through that ear.  Wax removal treatments have helped in the past, but not always, and definitely not this time.  There is no pain, but an underwater sound in the ear.  And if I rub my ear, it feels like there is liquid in there.  I suspect that there is some kind of inflammation.  I do have psoriasis, including inside the outer ear cup (don’t know if it goes inside the ear).  It seems to go along with a congested feeling on that side of my head, but I am not congested, i.e. no mucus, etc.  So I have been trying to figure out if there is something I can do herbally to help!  I know, a long post for my first one, but thought I would just put that out there, and see if anyone has had similar experiences or some ideas!

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      • #17152

          I’m so sorry, Erika! Have you been to an Ear nose and Throat doc? I find that if I can get a diagnosis, so I really know what’s going on, then I can usually address the situation herbally. But without a diagnosis, I’m shooting in the dark.

          I will also ask a doctor for a suggested course of treatment. If he says something like “antibiotics”, then I can head for the garlic, oregano, etc. I find my own herbal version of medication.

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          • #17265
            Erika Shaver-Nelson
            Topic Author

              Thanks, Harmony!  Yes, I have an appt. coming up, but thought I would put it out there and see if anyone has experienced the same kind of thing.  That is good advice about using the herbal version of the reg. doctor recommendation.

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              • #19436
                Beatrice Jackson

                  Greetings Erika,

                  I am writing to you from Canada & I was reading your issue along with your update .

                  In Canada , it takes many many months to get an appointment with  an ENT.

                  I wondered if you’ve had yours  yet and received a diagnosis?


                  My Best, Bea

                  • #19785
                    Erika Shaver-Nelson
                    Topic Author

                      Hi Bea,

                      Thanks for your reply!  I have a referral from my primary care doc for an ENT, and I am just waiting now for the call to set up an appt.  They said they had availability in the 2nd week of December, so I am hopeful to get a diagnosis soon!  I will keep the forum updated as to what I find out!

              • #17248
                Adrianne Francis

                  Have you tried goldenseal and garlic infused oil? Whenever my ear feels that way I will lay on my side, fill up my ear with the oil and let it soak for about 15 minutes, 2-3 x per day until it feels normal. Just something to try.

                  3 users thanked author for this post.
                  • #17266
                    Erika Shaver-Nelson
                    Topic Author

                      Thanks, Adrianne!  No, I haven’t tried that!  What form of goldenseal do you infuse in the oil?

                  • #17479

                      I have a similar issue

                      I had a on and off again yeast overgrowth in my ear which makes my ear feel congested and like it is retaining fluid

                      also the opening of my ear will get kinda flakey from me messing with it

                      I was given antibiotics multiple times from drs assuming it was bacterial which did nothing to help until one dr told me it was yeast overgrowth

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                      • #17504
                        Erika Shaver-Nelson
                        Topic Author

                          Thanks!  How did you treat your ear?

                      • #17601
                        Dr. Patrick Jones
                        Homestead Instructor

                          Plain old onion juice in the ear often works wonders. Like its cousin garlic, it’s anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. Grind up an onion, strain the juice through a handkerchief, lay on your side and fill up your ear with the juice. If that doesn’t solve the issue, the Inner Ear and Balance Formula often helps with drainage obstructions inside the ear (you take that one orally).

                          Inner Ear & Balance
                          1 Ashwagandha Root
                          1 Chamomile Flower
                          1 Ginger Root
                          1 Ginkgo Leaf

                          Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

                          5 users thanked author for this post.
                          • #17788
                            Erika Shaver-Nelson
                            Topic Author

                              I notice that the Inner Ear & Balance formula is out of stock … is this something you may have more of soon?  Thanks again!

                              • #18050
                                Dr. Patrick Jones
                                Homestead Instructor

                                  I don’t know if we sell that one anymore. We discontinued a few lately. You might have to make your own with the recipe above. :0)

                                  Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

                                  • #18287
                                    Erika Shaver-Nelson
                                    Topic Author

                                      Thank you Doc Jones!  We had two of the herbs and our friends had the other two.

                                • #24193
                                  Tanzi Lynn

                                    Doc,  My mother used a warm onion poultice for myself and my siblings several times and it ALWAYS did the trick.   I used it on my children the few times they had ear infections  and they even asked for it a couple times(that’s saying someting!).  It’s never failed to work for us.  I like the idea of just the juice but I think there’s something soothing about the warmth of the compress also.  Maybe onion juice with a warm/hot rice pack thingy over the ear would be a comparable substitute.  ~Tanzi

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                                • #17643
                                  Erika Shaver-Nelson
                                  Topic Author

                                    Thank you so much, Doc Jones!!

                                    • #18328
                                      Dr. Patrick Jones
                                      Homestead Instructor

                                        You bet Erika. :0)

                                        Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

                                    • #19598
                                      Dr. Patrick Jones
                                      Homestead Instructor

                                        You now Erika, you might also try some

                                        Cleavers or Lymphatic Support.

                                        Those can sometimes be really helpful for middle ear congestion stuff if that’s what’s going on.

                                        Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

                                        2 users thanked author for this post.
                                        • #19787
                                          Erika Shaver-Nelson
                                          Topic Author

                                            Thank you so much, Doc!  I will keep those in mind and see what the ENT diagnosis is.

                                        • #19873
                                          Gretchen Kaup

                                            I just went through a month of a blocked ear! It actually still gets clogged again at night when I sleep on my side, but seems to drain into the rest of my sinus pretty quickly in the mornings. I tried a variety of lymphatic drainage massages and some herbal things, but what finally helped was using a neti pot 2x a day for about a week. My nose was very dry, too, and I didn’t think I was congested, but I the neti pot loosened things up from deep in my sinuses and things began to drain.

                                            Did yours finally clear up? What did you end up doing?

                                            1 user thanked author for this post.
                                            • #20395
                                              Erika Shaver-Nelson
                                              Topic Author

                                                Hi Gretchen,

                                                No, my ears have not cleared up yet – one of them goes in and out, but the other is very clogged.  I am waiting to get an ENT diagnosis to see what they say.  But I did start using Nasopure twice a day based on your experience with using a neti pot (I think they are very similar, and that’s what I have on hand).  Today is the third day doing that, and it is possible that it is helping keep the one ear open.  Glad to hear that your ears got better!  I will update when I have more info!

                                            • #46117

                                                Ah!  This is why I was looking for the ear anatomy and physiology info.  Glad there are some answers here.  Been dealing with this for a long time.  It am doing the herbal cleanse now hoping things will change.  Along with any other ideas I can find or come up with.  Thanks for starting this thread! Lots of idea’s here.  I have done the onion juice, but, didnt fill the ear up totally.  Will do next time around though.  Wrote down the Inner ear balance recipe for sure.

                                              • #46197
                                                Michelle Koch

                                                  I’m having similar problems with my ears as well.  It all began when I drove over a mountain pass in November – my ears don’t pop through changes in elevation, like most people’s ears do- sounds sometimes are perceived as though I have a cotton ball in my ears.  Recently I also started having episodes of extreme vertigo and nausea.  I have to lie still until it passes, then I am wiped out for the rest of the day, and cannot drive anywhere.  I’ve done some research, and was referred to articles about migraines, Meneire’s Disease, and Benign Postural Positioning Syndrome, as well as the effects of prior neck injury, or even basic neck tension.  I’m thinking about seeing a chiropractor.  Perhaps a neck adjustment could help promote proper drainage of fluids, regardless of the cause.  Meanwhile, herbally, I’ve found the NoMo Spazms tincture to be helpful in alleviating neck tension headaches, and cayenne tincture helps with any vaso-vagally nonsense that may be occuring.  I’m also thinking some Ephedra Viridis (“Mormon/Brigham Tea”) would be helpful in drying out any excess fluids.


                                                  • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by Michelle Koch.
                                                  1 user thanked author for this post.
                                                  • #46201
                                                    Greg Boggs

                                                      I would definitely recommend a chiropractor. Mine has helped me out tons, and they focus on whole body wellness, so they don’t just get you in there and crack your back and send you on your way.

                                                      I’ve known a few people that suffer from vertigo, I’m sorry you are experiencing that, it sounds really tough. The people I know with vertigo have had some success with the  Epley Maneuver, and Doc has recommended the Rezzimax Tuner for vertigo as well

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                                                  • #46212

                                                      I get “Ear Lock” when flying.  You can burst an ear drum when flying with “ear lock”.  Going over mountain passes kind of causes the same sensation.  Our ear’s are so important!  I hope we all find relief soon.  I guess more A&P is in order.  With the herbal cleanse I am dong right now, I am finding that my ears are trying to clear.

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                                                    • #48105
                                                      Susan Wright

                                                        I have personal experience with this one! Thanks for posting your question, it is giving me a chance to break the ice as I am a brand new student. I had an ear infection for over a year. No pain, just that underwater sound experience and confirmation of infection by urgent care.  I did the typical garlic oil treatment with only temporary relief of the swelling in the ear canal. By temporary, I mean hours. Finally after relenting to antibiotic treatment and still getting zero results, I went to the chiropractor and asked him to adjust my ear.  FINALLY, within two days it was drained and the swelling subsiding.  I could hear again!! Something besides my “inner self”  haha.  Now, if my ear gets any amount of wind or cold near it, it decides to get cranky, but after watching Doc Jones’s onion juice video, I use that and goldenseal supplements at first sign of trouble.  It works every time.  Best wishes!

                                                        • This reply was modified 9 months ago by Susan Wright.
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