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    • #39821

        Hello everyone! My brother has been suffering from a nearly golf-ball size boil on his back, below his shoulder. It’s very hard and tight and very painful. He had something in that same location years ago that ended up coming to a head and draining, but this is very hard.

        Does anyone have suggestions for an herbal intervention? I went through the Skin module slides, but I’m not sure where to look next! Thanks a bunch!

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      • #40282
        Dr. Patrick Jones
        Homestead Instructor

          If it’s actually a boil or abscess, it’ll probably have to be drained mechanically.

          Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

        • #42290

            Hi ,  I suffered as kid with one and it was very painful to drain at the Drs cause it was on my chin. My partner had one the back of his neck. So i had heard that an onion poultice would draw it out, from a herbalist lady, I made a fresh organic onion slice then placed on back of his neck with some gauze and a cloth. I replaced a few times and he sat with it while relaxing in the evening for the next few days. Lo and behold a few days later and it kept shrinking and then disappeared altogether. Wow if I only had known this earlier would’ve saved me a lot of pain. Not sure how it would go on a large boil just take a bit longer probably.  If not see your Doc.

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