Forums Herb-Talk | Archive Midwifery Herbs in Midwifery Diaper Rash Cream

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    • #33071

        This isnt really in midwifery but there was no herbs with babies so I figured it was close enough. I am not sure how many people on here still have little ones but I had to share this recipe I found online for baby diaper rash cream that not only works great (I have been using it for a little over a month now) but also safe for cloth diapers (which we use). You can find the entire article about it here: she explains why she uses the herbs she does and everything but here is the recipe


        1/2 cup coconut oil

        1 tablespoon calendula flowers

        1 tablespoon chamomile flowers

        1/4 cup shea butter

        optional: 1 tsp arrowroot or zinc oxide powder or more to thicken if needed- these will add additional drying power for really bad rashes (I use 1 t zinc oxide because I had it from making my own sunscreen I think I will increase it a little next time another recipe I saw had 3T so probably somewhere in between)

        How to Make Natural Diaper Cream

        Heat a couple inches of water over medium high heat in a double boiler or small sauce pan. Melt the coconut oil in a glass bowl or double boiler top above the boiling water. Add the calendula and chamomile flowers and keep the heat going on low/medium for at least an hour or until coconut oil has started to turn yellow and smells of chamomile and calendula. Make sure to check the water level often and make sure it hasn’t gotten too hot or evaporated off.

        Carefully strain the flowers out, reserving as much of the coconut oil as possible. A fine mesh metal strainer is best for this, or a cheesecloth will work, though you’ll lose more of the coconut oil. Make sure all visible pieces of the flower have been removed.

        Using a small immersion blender or even a fork to mash, mix the infused coconut oil with the shea butter and arrowroot or zinc oxide if using until it forms a thick paste. I actually have a small food processor I use for this mixture (and not for food) and when mixed in a food processor it makes an airy, velvety cream.

        Store in a small glass jar and apply as needed. Use a liner with cloth diapers. This is much more concentrated and effective than store-bought versions and a little goes a really long way!

        I hope someone can find this useful! 🙂

      • #33072
        Dr. Patrick Jones
        Homestead Instructor

          Great formula. 🙂

          Arrowroot (balsalmroot) is very similar to Echinacea medicinally. It’s anti-microbial but has the added benefit of strengthening the substance that keeps cells stuck together…the mortar between the bricks if you will. Calendula is also strongly anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and vulnerary (accelerates healing like comfrey). Chamomille is anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial as well.


          Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

        • #33075

            Thanks for the recipe. I will have to make some for the grandkids. One daughter cloth diapers and will be especially appreciative. I have had them use comfrey oil when I see the rash is looking bad. Do you know of any concerns using comfrey oil on an infant or baby?


          • #33079
            Dr. Patrick Jones
            Homestead Instructor

              Beverly wrote: Thanks for the recipe. I will have to make some for the grandkids. One daughter cloth diapers and will be especially appreciative. I have had them use comfrey oil when I see the rash is looking bad. Do you know of any concerns using comfrey oil on an infant or baby?


              Nope. Topical Comfrey is fine for anybody. 🙂


              Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

            • #33312

                Please recommend me best company for buying diapers with leakage protection. Also give me the link.

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