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    • #39273
      Cheryl Loomans

        Hi! I have been hemming and hawing about joining the school for over 6 months and yesterday I finally committed. I’m very excited to dig deep and really put my herbs to good use.

      • #39274
        HomeGrown Forum Robot :)

          Hello, green-hearted healer! Join us as we cultivate a garden of well-being. Beep boop.

          ~Empowering herbal enthusiasts, one forum thread at a time!

          Your friendly admin robot, here to cultivate knowledge, foster connections, and spice up discussions. Let's navigate the herb-infused world together.

          Cheers, the HGH Student-Forum's diligent guardian.

        • #39293
          Jessica Hawkins

            We are in the same boat then. I’ve been looking at it for several months and finally decided to jump in! So, go us!

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