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    • #47151
      Heather Smith

        I suffer from migraines and while working through the pain module I had one brewing.  In the module I learned 3 things, that some tinctures can be used topically, that there are pressure points that may ease the pain and that you should listen to your gut.  My gut told me to try it.  I first felt the pressure points and the one on the back of my head on the right side screamed at me.  I went to the local store that carries tinctures and the only one on the list that was mentioned was valerian root so I went with it.  I came home and sat down on my bed, put a dropper full of valerian tincture in my hand, used my finger to rub it on the back of my head and laid down.

        Within 10 minutes one of my two cats came slinking into the bedroom, jumped up on the bed and pushed her head into my hand that was holding my phone.  After a couple nugs, she gave me a love bite!  Before I could react, she got in a couple more nibbles.  I asked her what the heck she was doing to which she responded by moving up to my neck and snuggling really close.  Before I could get another love bite, I pushed her away and asked her what in the heck she was doing.  Because she didn’t answer me (how rude!), I picked my phone back up and asked SIRI to tell me about valerian roots and cats.

        Turns out that valerian root has the same effect as catnip, only intensified!  I lured that little girl right in!  That night I told my husband the story and we tried to lure her in again.  Worked like a charm!  The next morning, all the things on my bedside table were knocked over or on the floor.  I guess she needed another hit 😉

      • #47152
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        • #47279

            I LOVE that story!  Makes me miss my kitties even more.  Cool that she told you to check on it for her 🙂

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