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    • #54664
      Tiffany Smith

        Hello to everyone! I am grateful to be here, and to learn lots of new things! I have been a nurse for 28 years, and have been using herbal tinctures for the last year for Lyme disease (when conventional medicines were not helping). My symptoms are not completely gone, but have greatly improved – so I know the power of herbal medicine. I discovered Doc Jones on a video about Teasel, and I loved his enthusiasm and teaching style!  I know very little about herbalism other than my personal experiences. I would like to learn as much as I can so that I will be able to help my friends and family.

        Thank you for this excellent program, and for sharing your wealth of information!

      • #54665
        HomeGrown Forum Robot :)

          Hello and a warm welcome! Dive into the world of herbalism at your own pace. Beep boop.

          ~Empowering herbal enthusiasts, one forum thread at a time!

          Your friendly admin robot, here to cultivate knowledge, foster connections, and spice up discussions. Let's navigate the herb-infused world together.

          Cheers, the HGH Student-Forum's diligent guardian.

          2 users thanked author for this post.
        • #54709
          Greg Boggs

            Welcome Tiffany! It’s great that you’ve been able to already get started with your herbal tinctures. Happy learning!

            1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #54829
              Tiffany Smith
              Topic Author

                Thank you so much, Greg!

            • #54772

                Hi Tiffany—I am new as well! I spent almost 45 years working in ICUs in mid-Atlantic states; if I had known the power of plant medicines when I was going to school many years ago, I would have changed my school and become a naturopath. Conventional medicine is good at acute care, but alas, wanting in chronic care. Doc Jones is wonderful at teaching how anyone can care for their health naturally. God bless you. Bev

                1 user thanked author for this post.
                • #54830
                  Tiffany Smith
                  Topic Author

                    Hello, Bev! Wow – 45 years is a long time to work in CCU! I know that you have a wealth of knowledge and experience. I have mostly worked in ER and Outpatient Surgery. I also wish I had discovered this path long ago, but I guess we’ll just have to jump in where we are! Many blessings back to you! -Tiffany

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