Forums HomeGrown Herbalist Student Forum Case Studies Guillain-Barré syndrome?

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    • #59877

        Hello everyone! We were exposed to a nasty flu over Christmas. Now all four members of the household are down with it. The visiting family who had it got diagnosed with Flu A. This is our first full day with it and I am concerned by the fact that my hands/lower arms and feet are very tingly and numb. I did a little research and found that the flu can cause Guillain-Barré syndrome, where the immune system attacks the nerves in an autoimmune condition. It sounds very serious. Does anyone have any experience with this and any recommendations? Thank you!

      • #61820

          Gosh Maggie – I hope by now you’re back to normal since it’s been so long since you posted.  I have to wonder that since it attacks nerves – might Teasel be a good remedy?  I know you’re probably all done with it, but maybe you tried the Teasel and have some words of experience with this weird flu symptom!

        • #61825
          Topic Author

            Hi Sharon! Thank you for your concern and reply. I am happy to report that though the numbness seemed to increase through the day I wrote, by morning, it was gone! I praise God and know prayers were answered! It was a sobering experience, knowing it could have been a serious, prolonged situation.

            I have been meaning to follow up here and thank you for bringing up teasel! I did not have any in my herb stash, so I didn’t take it, but I had wondered if teasel would be helpful in a Guillain-Barré case. Maybe Doc Jones will have some insight here!

            Thanks again!

            • #61829

                YAY!!  Happy our great Healer fixed the problem!

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