Forums HomeGrown Herbalist Student Forum Medicinal Herbs Hawthorne species

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    • #42882
      Theresa Gwiazda

        There seems to be different species of Hawthrone. Some trees, some are bushes. Does it matter medicinally? Are all the different species medicinal?

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      • #43099
        Dr. Patrick Jones
        Homestead Instructor

          There are a number of species. Crataegus genus includes a number of medicinal species and a few that can have some toxicity.

          Here are some species that Michael Moore has used with god results:

          C. chrysocarpa, C. colombiana, C. douglasii, C. erythropodsa, C. oxyacantha, C. laevigata, C. rivularis

          Other species should be researched individually.

          Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

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          • #43112
            Theresa Gwiazda
            Topic Author

              So the species I have is Rhaphiolepis indica – Indian Snow White. My limited research says it’s fruit is edible when cooked, but I haven’t found anything that says its has other medicinal qualities. I will keep researching, thanks!

          • #43114
            Dr. Patrick Jones
            Homestead Instructor

              This is why we should be really careful with common names of plants. Latin names are vastly more useful and safer.

              Rhaphiolepis indica (Indian hawthorn) is not related to the medicinal “hawthorns” in the Crataegus genus…well… it’s kind of related because they’re both in the rose family (Rosaceae). But other than hugging each other at family reunions, they don’t have the same medicinal properties.

              Rhaphiolepis indica has very little information on medicinal uses. I’d use something better studied with more historical use.

              If you want the medicinal benefits of what herbalists call hawthorn, stick with the Crataegus species.

              Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

              • #43119
                Theresa Gwiazda
                Topic Author

                  Gotcha! When trying to find Hawthorne it was before I knew much about them. I bought it without knowing the Latin name, but since going through the course here at the school I have become much more aware of the different names and am buying very specific plants, shrubs, and herbs. This is one I have not been able to get good info on, but thank you, doc for clearing this up! I definitely want to be careful and this shrub will be a decorative one, for sure! Since I live pretty close to Companion Plants shop I will get one from them that is medicinal. I have pretty much bought all my plants from them anyway. They are very helpful and try to match the herbs to my growing area and their medicinal properties, this helps me have perennials, if possible.

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