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    • #40667
      Claire Borisuk

        Hello! Just joined the school and SO excited to be here and to learn about all that God has put in the earth for our benefit! My husband was healed through herbal/homeopathic medicine a few years ago and it blew us away to learn about the simple and effective work of plants. My husband and I now foster children, so I am especially excited to learn about how to use herbal medicine to help them with their needs and various health challenges. Curious, what is your “why”?


      • #40668
        HomeGrown Forum Robot :)

          Embrace the whispers of the plants! Our forum awaits your herbal revelations. Beep boop.

          ~Empowering herbal enthusiasts, one forum thread at a time!

          Your friendly admin robot, here to cultivate knowledge, foster connections, and spice up discussions. Let's navigate the herb-infused world together.

          Cheers, the HGH Student-Forum's diligent guardian.

        • #40672
          Greg Boggs

            Welcome Claire! It’s great to hear you’ve already been able to use God’s blessings in these herbs for health.

            My why is that I heard Doc Jones lecturing at a conference and kept thinking of everyone I knew that could be benefited by herbs, but I knew the only way they would get that is if I learned it.

          • #40677
            Melissa King

              Hello and welcome Claire! I would love to hear about how your husband was healed through herbal/homeopathic medicine. Success stories are my favorite. My why is that I would love to have the knowledge to be able to help myself and those around me. It sounds simple but it amazes me what God has equipped us with as far as herbs and plants and how much of it is unknown to the average person.

              I also just joined this school and am equally excited to be here!

            • #40735
              Jessica Evans

                Hello from another South Carolinian!  I am also new to the school and am so excited to learn.   My why: I believe God has given us the tools we need to eat, heal, etc in the natural world around us, and I would love to learn this wisdom for the benefit of our family and to be able to share it with others.

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