Forums HomeGrown Herbalist Student Forum Medicinal Herbs Herbal Cleanse Question


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    • #40177
      Beth Daniels

        I am new to the school and I am doing an herbal cleanse kit right now because I have skin problems. So I’m on the second week, doing the large colon cleanse powder. Following the directions for two teaspoons three times a day. It’s my second day and I am constipated even though I’ve increased my water to half my body weight in ounces. And after I take the powder I have pain in my left side. Not sure if it would be a good idea to just continue to push through or if my body is telling me it’s too much.  If anyone has gone through the herbal cleanse and had similar things happen or has any ideas for me I would be very much appreciative. Thank you very much

      • #40299

          If Doc doesn’t answer very soon – I’d hold off for a bit (pause), then call him on the number he gives out to ask.  Sometimes he’s just too busy to answer questions here, but you should be able to get him on the phone.  Side note – this cleanse is a life changer!  Hubby and I did ours the end of Jan (this year) and so many improvements in our bodies that it’s mind blowing (and the 20 pounds off that we’ve kept off is nothing to sneeze at either)!  Hang in there, it’s SOOOO worth the aggravations that it might present with diet and scheduling – you’ll thank yourself!

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          • #40328
            Beth Daniels
            Topic Author

              Thank you Sharon.  I did get a hold of somebody at the school. Another herbalist emailed me back and so I am going to continue with the cleanse but skip over the large intestine as I was reacting to that powder. Thank you for your advice though, I really appreciate it. Beth

          • #40314
            Cindy Kerr

              Beth, I hope you follow Sharon’s advice to call Doc Jones with the question.  I have done this cleanse twice and feel so good about getting the toxins out and refreshing myself on eating clean.  I follow his recommendation on doing this cleanse once or twice a year.

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