Forums HomeGrown Herbalist Student Forum Medicinal Herbs Hyperthyroidism?

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    • #18985
      Alissa Krajewski

        I just got a request from my husband’s friend for herbal support for hyperthyroidism. My response initially was that I had no clue yet.

        Then I was watching my class for the day.  In the pain management 1 module Doc Jones says lemon balm reduces thyroid function. I don’t know if it does it strongly enough to help though.

        Any recommendations?

        Also,  are thyroid issues discussed in a module?




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      • #19237
        Charrin Gerbrandt

          Hi Alissa I too am learning about thyroid issues. I would like to hear Doc’s input on my findings. Seems many thyroid issues are rooting from the Epstein-Barr virus in the body. There are quite a few suggested herbs however I would like more info and to know quantities. Lemon balm/nettle/ red clover/licorice root/cat’s claw/ashawanga/bladderwrack/curcumin and elderberry. I am dealing with this personally and would like to target it deeper as many others seem to be struggling with EB virus as well.

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        • #19591
          Dr. Patrick Jones
          Homestead Instructor

            We are putting together an endocrine system module currently. It should be done in a few weeks. It’s a big project. We’ll talk more about thyroid there.

            With hyperthyroid cases, the first thing to determine is the cause. Often times it’s a thyroid tumor that needs to be removed. If it’s just a hyperactive thyroid gland, herbs like lemon balm and her sisters can be helpful in some cases.

            Here’s a formula I’ve used.

            Thyroid – Calm
            1 Bugleweed Aerial Parts
            1 Lemon Balm Aerial Parts
            1 Motherwort Aerial Parts
            We don’t sell it anymore because demand is so low but it’s easy to make and I do have the individual tinctures on the website so you could mix up your own.

            Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

            • #22316

                So talking about making your own blend with individual tinctures – would you just multiply the amount you would normally take (say 1/2 tsp) by how many tinctures you added to the blend?  (IE: 4 tinctures would be 2 tsps?). And of course, all that might vary based on if the tincture was a 1:5 or a folk method, right?

                • #22376
                  Dr. Patrick Jones
                  Homestead Instructor

                    I use the same dosing whether it’s a single herb or a formula. Seems to serve me well.

                    Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

                    • #22399

                        It makes sense to me that a formula all tinctured together would be the 1/2 tsp dose like all your tinctured formulas are – but it did seem like when you combine say 4 simples that had all been tinctured alone, my silly mind said that I’d be getting about 1/4 the amount of each herb when I combine 4 “ready to use” tinctures, as I would if I were to take them individually.  But as always, I defer to our guru teacher!  Sometimes my mind runs on long abandoned train tracks – it’s lonely out there in the desert…!

                  • #47306

                      “People suspecting a thyroid or heart condition should not ingest bugleweed”

                      So, is this caution for people who have hypothyroid? (and not a caution for hyperthyroid)

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                  • #22321
                    JENNIFER COATS

                      What would you recommend for HYPOTHYROIDISM?

                      • #22382
                        Dr. Patrick Jones
                        Homestead Instructor

                          Thyroid Stim

                          The formula is in the Formulas & Formulations section in the Endocrine formulas lesson.

                          BTW, I’m writing a brand new Endocrine System lesson….well it’ll actually get split into several lessons.  Should be up in a couple of weeks. Buckle up. It’s a big one.

                          Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

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                          • #48065
                            Elizabeth Prackert

                              Thanks Doc so many students to keep you busy!

                        • #22390
                          JENNIFER COATS

                            Thyroid Stim

                            The formula is in the Formulas & Formulations section in the Endocrine formulas lesson.

                            BTW, I’m writing a brand new Endocrine System lesson….well it’ll actually get split into several lessons.  Should be up in a couple of weeks. Buckle up. It’s a big one.

                            Thank you so very much Doc. I haven’t gotten that far yet, but go check it out!  I did just send you a text. I hope you’ll get back to me. Thanks a bunch Sir.

                            1 user thanked author for this post.
                          • #22392
                            JENNIFER COATS

                              Looking forward to the new lessons!

                              • #48064
                                Elizabeth Prackert

                                  Yes I am as well Jennifer as I have had Hasimotos Thyroiditis for 17 years. I have read a lot about leaky gut being a big factor. I find Astragalus is great when I want to boost my immune system without irritating it. Definately something to be aware of when you have an autoimmune disease.

                                  I will be glad when my fence is finished and I can grow some veges and herbs. (cows are a nuisance and invade me) I live in a little country town in Australia and the supermarket doesn’t have enough salads ingredients (and no herbs) to choose from. Waiting impatiently..LOl. Welcome Jennifer.

                              • #27713
                                Mary Ann Marchant

                                  When will the endocrine lessons be available? Need to better understand thyroid herbal interactions?

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