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    • #47167
      Christine Grangaard

        Is a parasite cleanse recommended regularly for ‘outdoor’ people who live subsistence lifestyles?  Why is parasite infestation possibility so often overlooked by medical professionals?

      • #51805

          Christine – what do you mean by “subsistence lifestyle”?  About why docs in general don’t mention or treat for parasites…  If they cured many of our “ills” with parasite treatments – how would big pharma make their trillions of dollars selling us stuff that doesn’t even cure what it was “sold” for?  Look into some of Dr Lee Merritt’s work on parasites and the strange symptoms and ills that getting rid of them solve!  It’s literally mind boggling.  Not to mention fairly easily remedied.  We personally are going to give Doc’s veterinary “worms” formula a try to see if it works, but if not, then perhaps some of the recommended drugs will have to be used.  I’m really hoping for the herbal formula though (both for the lack of potential interactions as well as the fact that the herbs were here long before the drugs – God knew we would get parasites).

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          • #51819
            Christine Grangaard
            Topic Author

              Thanks for the post to you too Sharon. I wrote to Elizabeth on this thread – wanting to reply to you too – just not too good on the computer – I’m a dinosaur of the paper and pencil age. I’ve looked into the pharma drugs – I would bet Doc would be familiar w/ these. It’s been an interesting research for me from Southerner’s using Turpentine in the Spring to the contemporary meds. Just cautious about trying animal meds with no understanding of dosing and repercussions.  I will check out Lee M again, I appreciated her a lot while the world was busy losing common sense. Thanks again, God Bless! Christine

          • #51809

              I did a parasite cleanse not to long ago that you can find here :

              Purge – Advanced Parasite Cleanse


              Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
              All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

              1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #51816
              Christine Grangaard
              Topic Author

                Thank you Elizabeth for your post. I live in Alaska – in my younger years, rural AK aka the ‘bush’ – a reference to becoming and being able to fend for your concerns – family, food, shelter, and the rest. My husband was a very successful trapper and we had wolves to weasels taking up space in our lives for well over 20 years. We ate moose, caribou, occasional bear hams (shot away from salmon streams), Dall sheep, and well spent Copper River red salmon off fish wheels in June and traded for halibut and once on a gifted trip to Valdez AK he and a cousin caught a very large halibut – not a record but fish for a year split between us. We cut away obvious worm sites and I prayed to have cooked things well enough and used seasonings and wine to penetrate and kill off these natural invaders. Raw furs often had lice and I was the clean up detail, once I remember my husband being very ill and it took more than a week to discover he had contracted a lice from wolf hides ( what medical called it) but it never spread to anyone other than him. It was cured with a stong medicine applied to his skin and he recovered. So this is subsistence living, we gardened cold weather crops in blazing short summers and put up everything for long, deeply subzero winters. My immune system went south in my mid thirties and doc’s up here said that they don’t look for ‘zebras’ and passed me off to hyponchondria the few times I visited because the fatigue made this life, kids, and a job outside the work of the home crippling. I never found help only offers for depression meds and for a while I over used NSAIDS to keep going. In my old age here I’ve found stories and now a lot of interesting info on parasites and their linkage to so much misdiagnosed or co occuring disease. A Canadian Naturopath E. Clarke did a lot of research on this, cancer, and AIDS. Just recently went to a doc now that I live in an urban AK community – 3rd try – no one will accept parasites and want to refer to a dermatologist. This time I’m going to try the dermatologist as my symptoms are very fierce and I’m developing multiple keratosis sites is what I’ve been told is occurring – the sites burn and itch like hell fire. I’ve refrained ffrom commercial cleanses though I’ve been made aware of Cell Core products – very expensive – but recommended by Darren Schmidt – a Michigan Naturopathyoutuber with a lot of interesting takes on health issues and supplements; he’s doesn’t take insurance and out of pocket costs are way to high for me.  My fear with trying OTC cleanses is hearing that they can make matters worse because they are incomplete and could cause a dispersments throughout the body. I was hopeful for a connection with this course to unravel this particular problem and interest now as I wonder about others who have unresolved health issues too. So I appreciate hearing from you and loved the addendum about prayer – I’m so long with this condition now I feel like the woman w/ the hemmorage in scripture. I almost bought a tube of horse Ivermectin to have a go at this on my own but again don’t want to invite more troubles. Offering it all up and in God’s time.  Maybe someone else in the group will have some stories to share. Keep Smiling, Christine

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                • #51826

                    Hi Christine,

                    I feel for you and the chronic skin issues that you are dealing with!  I’m studying to be a naturopath and I find your case to be very interesting especially your life story!  I realize so many people are told to see a dermatologist for the many skin issues that people now suffer from.  I can honestly relate to your issue because I have dealt with severe acne.  I started addressing my acne with homeopathic remedies.

                    There are a few things you could try that may provide some relief for you:

                    Address gut issues- I recommend the GAPS diet as this is known to heal many skin issues.  Check out the book, The Gut and Physiology Syndromes by Dr. Natasha McBride.

                    Healthy foods- organic, non-GMO meats and fresh produce.  Fermented foods like homemade kefir and sauerkraut are great for healing the gut and restoring the right balance of bacteria.  I recommend making your own because store bought doesn’t have the Bifidobacterium that is so beneficial to our gut and whole body health!

                    Water- make sure that you are drinking 50% of your bodyweight in liquid ounces daily or close to that range.  This helps to flush out toxins and is known to help with skin issues.  Are you drinking city water?  If so, I recommend buying a Berkey Water Filter system because chlorine and fluoride are major contributors to underlining health concerns.  Drinking teas such as Burdock and Stinging Nettle are great options for healing skin issues however, it is not recommend if you are on certain prescriptions or have certain health concerns.

                    Lymphatic movement- this is important for getting the lymph moving and increasing blood flow to all the vital organs in our body.  Make sure you are walking, jogging or doing rebounding if you have a trampoline as this will help to move toxins out of the body.  We do not want the body to become stagnant!

                    Cosmetics- this is a huge contributor to skin issues!  Deodorant, makeup, skin creams, hair products and toothpaste all contribute to additional toxicity in the body.  I recommend you try moving towards healthy cosmetics if you haven’t already.  Trim Health Mama has some great skin products that are 100% pure and fairly affordable!  I like to use comfrey cream for skin issues and it is so soothing.

                    Homeopathic remedies- you should investigate homeopathic remedies.  If you have a natural health practitioner in your local area that practices homeopathy I would look into that!  They are amazing remedies that are completely natural.

                    I hope this helps you!  If you have any questions regarding some of my recommendations feel free to reach out and I will try to get back with you!  Hope you have a wonderful day!



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                    • #51832
                      Christine Grangaard
                      Topic Author

                        Thanks Ellie, I really appreciate your interaction and wish you the best in becoming a naturopath. You are right on point with your reccomendations. I’ve followed good youtubers, Doc Jones, Darren Schmidt/Nutritional Healing – contacted his office but really cost prohibitive for me on SS now that I’m retired. I’ve also looked into local providers in my area – also very expensive and not taking insurances – especially Medicare which we boomers are mandated to use as a primary; so I’m hopeful to figure out many things to be learned in this class. 5 grandkids are taking up a bunch of time so my efforts for classtime have been hit or miss! These contacts have really been wonderful and motivating to focus some serious energy in this training. I have my raised beds set up for herbal gardening to harvest this year, have natural nettles & burdock, made dandelion & spruce tip tinctures this past summer, dried horsetail also wild in my yard, gathered the dwarf plantain in an area, started comfrey etc. and more. I was interested in Cell Core Parasite Cleanse products – also very expensive and a proprietary blend of mostly the same ingredients I am aware of for cheap Amazon products or recipes for homemade. I’m not on any meds but cautious about self medicating which is why I invested in this class. I have a Berkey but actually have good enough well water, can’t afford to juice till I get a harvest this year as the produce is iffy at best in AK unless home grown. I can smell chemicals when bringing prodce home and notice that they either rot quickly/unusally black or don’t rot at all and self dehydrate – very hard to track where food comes from or how it has been handled. Not a conspiracy theorist but definitely have noticed for some time the changes in food and now protecting my self/family from the insect infestation in dry processed products. I do make kimchii and plan to grow those cabbages etc myself this year. From the research I’ve been able to do – and it’s not nearly a lot – there is more to parasites than allopathic practioners want to address and that I have experienced first hand – with no investigation at all; it’s always “oh no, you don’t have parasites. But no answer for ‘ well okay but where does this chronic infection issue come from?” I wonder about imported food being suspect for creepy crawlies making there way to the states from so many imports – and almost everything in AK comes from somewhere else :). I am as plain jane as they come – no make up, – years of work w/ too many over the counter chemical cleaning products though. You might give a listen to Darren Schmidt on youtube – he’s an interesting character w/ a lot of experience (s). I love Doc Jones, and found him by following others like Dr. Berg, Dr Bergman etc…I hope to get a lot out of this program and the more that will come with it as I do think we are approaching a time very near when we will really need skilled people to be able make use of the natural environment around us to provide. I’m a little eccentric – I save/put away/recycle everything for the MacGyver’s of the future and have done my share of experimenting w/ what I have on hand. Sometimes it works, sometimes guardian angels are intervening or shaking their heads but thankfully I’ve survived sometimes to my own surprise! So again, thank you and I will get busier looking into what I can find and share it as I find it and hope to learn from the many others in this venture too! Christine

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                  • #51817

                      Thanks for sharing Christine .Your adventures in Alaska was fascinating to hear and what an adventure ! Praying that the Lord will bring healing to your body and soul ! He is always faithful and never will leave you nor forsake you. I look forward to the day when we get to Heaven and our bodies will be healed and perfect !  Blessing, Elizabeth

                      ~1 Peter 5:7~

                      Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                      All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                      • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Elizabeth.
                      2 users thanked author for this post.
                    • #58408
                      Dr. Patrick Jones
                      Homestead Instructor

                        I recently put up a short lesson on parasites. More to come.


                        Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

                        • #58423

                            Hello Dr.Jones !

                            Thank you so much for putting this out ! What is the dosing for the worm formula that you mentioned in your lesson if I made a powder formula with the herbs ?



                            Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                            All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                        • #58425
                          Dr. Patrick Jones
                          Homestead Instructor

                            I just added it to the slide. :0)

                            I’d do it twice daily for ten days. 1-2 rounded tesaspoons of powder for an adult.

                            Herb Forms & Dosing

                            Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

                            • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Dr. Patrick Jones.
                            • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Dr. Patrick Jones.
                          • #58427

                              Thank you ! If my family was to take the worm formula for 10 days , when would you recommend repeating it? We have taken one parasite cleanse already this year.

                              Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                              All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                            • #58428

                                Also, is there a herb that I could substitute for Oregon Grape Root ?

                                Thanks so much !


                                Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                              • #58430
                                Dr. Patrick Jones
                                Homestead Instructor

                                  Thank you ! If my family was to take the worm formula for 10 days , when would you recommend repeating it? We have taken one parasite cleanse already this year.

                                  Once or twice a year is fine. Not safe during pregnancy or nursing.

                                  Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

                                  1 user thanked author for this post.
                                • #58431
                                  Dr. Patrick Jones
                                  Homestead Instructor

                                    Also, is there a herb that I could substitute for Oregon Grape Root ?

                                    Thanks so much !


                                    Barberry Berberis vulgaris

                                    Barberry & Oregon Grape Monograph (Berberis vulgaris, Mahonia repens)

                                    Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

                                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                                    • #58434

                                        Thanks so much Dr. Jones ! I really appreciate your help and all the questions you answered!


                                        Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                        All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                                    • #58443

                                        What is the powdered equivalent for a garlic bulb mentioned in the worm formula ?

                                        Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                        All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                                        • #58465
                                          Dr. Patrick Jones
                                          Homestead Instructor

                                            “bulb” is just referring to the part of the plant that’s used (garlic has bulbs rather than roots….well it has roots too, but we want the bulb. The part you eat.

                                            In a formula the number in front of the herb is the quantity by weight. IF there isn’t a number, the herbs are equal parts.

                                            Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

                                        • #58446

                                            Also wondering if there is a big difference between Cascara Sagrada bark or the root ?

                                            Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                            All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                                          • #58468
                                            Dr. Patrick Jones
                                            Homestead Instructor

                                              Also wondering if there is a big difference between Cascara Sagrada bark or the root ?

                                              I’ve never seen the root for sale. I always mean the bark.

                                              Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

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