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    • #28766

        Is peppermint a strong or weak anti-inflammatory?

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      • #28957
        Emily McCain

          Peppermint is one of my favorite oils/tincture or fresh to use, Due to the fact that it has so many benefits. It helps with muscle aches when put on your muscles. But; when you put it on prior to a workout it helps with the lactic acid in your muscles, so you don’t end up as sore, by helping the blood flow to the muscles. It also helps with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), it’s anti-microbial; anti-inflammatory; it helps reduce fever when placed on feet, back, and neck. Some of my favorite ways to use it is as an oil to place on my head for my severe headaches, I place it in food grade Glycine to make a tincture for children, and 80 – 100 proof vodka, to make tinctures for oral use for adults. I love it in homemade lotions, especially after a workout, shoveling snow, or working in the garden, and I add the oil to my shampoos.

          What I have noticed the most is that it helps with my Fibromyalgia pain, especially when mixed with comfrey. Sorry for the novel, hope this helps…

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          • #28966
            Dr. Patrick Jones
            Homestead Instructor

              Emily it was a wonderful “novel”.  No need to apologize for sharing great information. :0)

              Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

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              • #30699
                Topic Author

                  So is the whole plant a strong anti-inflammatory or just the essential oil?

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                  • #39674
                    Dr. Patrick Jones
                    Homestead Instructor

                      Most of the anti-inflammatory constituents are in the oil.

                      Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

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                • #40306
                  Jenette Jackson

                    Thank you so much. I did not know pepper mint was used for anti-inflammatory.

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                  • #40327
                    ann peschges

                      Emily, thank you!!

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                    • #40552
                      Greg Boggs

                        Thank you so much for this info! I never knew peppermint helped with the muscle stuff, I train in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and am really sore after the gym so I plan on trying this out next time I go!

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                      • #40603
                        Valery Nguyen

                          I use to struggle with Fibromyalgia as well. Emily, I love that you brought up using peppermint for it. My massage therapist told me to do exactly that. Use peppermint essential oil with carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil. Fantastic for inflammation!  However, she added to mix it with lavender to help relax the muscles. Praise be to God I don’t struggle with it anymore!  This past year I had to have ankle surgery. I also have osteoarthritis in my ankles. I tried mixing 10 drops of lavender essential oil, 10 drops of peppermint essential oil, and 7-8 drops of frankincense essential oil in extra virgin olive oil.  I apply it topically It works fantasticly for the pain! Also helps tremendously for pulled muscles. Hope this helps some one.

                          Have a blessed day!

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                          • #44042

                              Valery, how much olive oil do you use with that “formula”?  My skin just doesn’t absorb oil well at all, so I’d hope to use the least possible oil and still be safe with the EO’s.

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                        • #30717
                          Shirley Burns

                            Great info!  I never thought to tincture it.  I normally just make a tea.  The essential oils are wonderful for headache!  Mint (peppermint and spearmint) the only scents I can tolerate when I have a bad headache.  I find it very soothing – especially for tension headaches.

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