Forums HomeGrown Herbalist Student Forum Veterinary Herbology Protocol for Dogs ingesting grapes

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    • #56833
      CeAnne Kosel

        If you know that your dog has consumed grapes but is not showing any signs of kidney failure what is the protocol that you recommend?

        - CeAnne
        "The farm is the nursery of the family and the family the nursery of the nation."

      • #56838
        Greg Boggs

          It should probably be fine, just keep watching the dog and try not to let them back to access the grapes. Some grapes hit harder than others sometimes, Doc shared a story in the school somewhere about a golden retriever that got brought in to his practice that had been eating grapes for years and was finally having issues.

        • #58460
          Dr. Patrick Jones
          Homestead Instructor

            Induce vomiting with a little hydrogen peroxide by mouth (do this outside,  not inside). Then put him on Kidney Builder.

            Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

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