Forums BUG Reporting Forum Reloading webpage for latest topics

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    • #30981

        I keep getting this today:

        “A problem repeatedly occurred with

        Reload webpage”

        And while I’m here, why are the latest topics just posted listed under “archives”?  I don’t think it affects anything, just curious since new topics aren’t generally considered an archived item.  Thanks for all you’re doing!

      • #31129
        Anna Coyle

          Hello, I was trying to down load the lesson PDF. The button brings me to this page.

          • #31189
            HGH I.T.
            Homestead Instructor

              which pdf did you try downloading?

              • #31263
                Anna Coyle

                  Both the PDF buttons for herbal cleansing and how not to herbal cleanse won’t download the PDFs they bring you to this page. And the module before ( I think it’s that one, it may be the one before that) the herbal cleanse does not have a PDF button. Thank you.

                  • #31703
                    HGH I.T.
                    Homestead Instructor

                      Herbal Cleanse PDF is fixed, thanks for reporting!

                  • #31639
                    Jackie Tomberlin

                      Also harvesting drying herbs.

                      • #31707
                        HGH I.T.
                        Homestead Instructor

                          Harvesting & Drying PDF is fixed!

                          Thanks for reporting!

                  • #31133

                      When I click the download PDF, it brings me here.  HELP!!!!

                      • #31191
                        HGH I.T.
                        Homestead Instructor

                          which pdf did you try downloading?

                      • #31187
                        Sonia Dockery

                          I’m having the same issue.

                          • #31193
                            HGH I.T.
                            Homestead Instructor

                              which pdf did you try downloading?

                          • #31219
                            HGH I.T.
                            Homestead Instructor

                              Sharon how are you access that link?

                              can you take a screenshot of where you go to find that link?

                              • #31343
                                Topic Author

                                  It hasn’t done it to me in a bit, but I’ve been off working on my garden layout for a while.  Sorry, not a lot of help.  Evan, can you help me with the downloading video issue?  Crappy internet makes it REALLY hard to watch a class.  Need to download to my computer so I can watch at night when the internet is terrible.  Thank you so much!

                                  • #31434
                                    HGH I.T.
                                    Homestead Instructor

                                      Hi Sharon,

                                      I don’t think we currently offer video downloading as part of the course unfortunately :/

                                • #31271
                                  Sonia Dockery

                                    The Herbal Cleanse pdf is still bringing me to this forum. Thank you.

                                    • #31320
                                      Karen Fox

                                        Having the same problem!

                                        • #31708
                                          HGH I.T.
                                          Homestead Instructor

                                            Herbal Cleanse PDF is fixed, thanks for reporting!

                                        • #31701
                                          HGH I.T.
                                          Homestead Instructor

                                            Herbal Cleanse PDF is fixed, thanks for reporting!

                                        • #31273
                                          Hallie Whinnery

                                            I was trying to download the pdf for herbal processing.  Click on the ‘download pdf’ button and it brings me here.  Tried it three times just to be sure I wasn’t clicking sloppily on something else.

                                            • #31277
                                              Hallie Whinnery

                                                tried to figure out how to include a photo of the screen I came from, but insert picture just asks for a source.  I’m not tech savvy enough to figure out a source statement, I’m used to just navigating to the picture in the file that I need.  So….sorry.  Copy and paste doesn’t work either.  It was the Harvesting and Processing Herbs lesson.

                                                • #31711
                                                  HGH I.T.
                                                  Homestead Instructor

                                                    Harvesting Lessons PDF is fixed!

                                                    Thanks for reporting!

                                              • #31652
                                                Lori Bennett


                                                  Hi Doc Jones,

                                                  Getting a bug on the cleanses downloads for the PDF’s and while I am at it there is an incorrect answer on the legality test.  I thought I marked the wrong answer and took the test again but this time I made sure I marked it correctly.  I would have to go back to tell you what number it is. Possibly someone who just took the test can let you know quicker.

                                                  Thanks for all you folks do. I am really enjoying the class even though it will take me until I am 90 to finish it up.


                                                  • #31713
                                                    HGH I.T.
                                                    Homestead Instructor

                                                      Herbal Cleanse PDF is fixed, thanks for reporting!


                                                  • #31674
                                                    Mary J Oliver

                                                      HELP!!!!  I am working on Formulas & Formulations, I have gotten to Endocrine Formulas and it keeps bringing me to this page when I try to download it!   I have downloaded all the others up to here and so I tried the next section and it brings me here also.  Please help.  Unfortunately I am on such a tight schedule these frustrations are really making my blood pressure go up.

                                                      should I stop my trainings now until the website is completely updated?  I am sorry but this is very frustrating. Please help or advise me how long to stay away until finished.

                                                      thank you


                                                      • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Mary J Oliver. Reason: to be notified when an answer is available
                                                      • #31714
                                                        HGH I.T.
                                                        Homestead Instructor

                                                          Hi there, Endocrine PDF is fixed.

                                                          I am fixing the missing lesson PDF’s as I become aware of them. Please be patient with me as I get all lessons completed.

                                                          There are hundreds of lessons in the course and each report is helpful for me to know which lessons are not behaving.

                                                          To avoid frustration in the meantime I recommend continuing with the course without downloading PDF files.

                                                      • #31678
                                                        Mary J Oliver

                                                          Is there a way to download ALL the lessons so I can get away from the frustration of the website sending me to other places?  I am just worried about our world and want to have all this information downloaded just in case so i can print it and read through it without depending on the internet.  Please LET ME KNOW

                                                          • #31715
                                                            HGH I.T.
                                                            Homestead Instructor

                                                              Hi Mary this is not a feature we offer at this time.

                                                              If you come across a lesson that that download link is not working let me know and I will fix it as soon as I see it.

                                                              If you get sent somewhere incorrect after clicking a download link remember you can always just click the back arrow to return to the previous screen.

                                                              Pictured Below:

                                                              1 user thanked author for this post.
                                                          • #31959
                                                            HGH I.T.
                                                            Homestead Instructor

                                                              This Bug Has Been Resolved!

                                                              Marking this thread as closed 🙂

                                                              Issue with latest topic has been patched 🙂

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