Forums HomeGrown Herbalist Student Forum Other Healing Modalities Sister has stage 4 cancer, the 2nd time

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    • #56944
      Jerry schrader

        Hello, I am inquiring about my sister, she has had everthing removed that made her female, 8 years ago, and since has undergone the worse treatments imaginable. Chemo, radiation, pills that burned and split her skin, and she was put in the ER last night because she could not breathe. They gave her a blood transfusion, and she’s home again, but she is about gone, she is giving up. What can I do to help her body feel better? I would think liver and kidneys for sure, so possibly Milk Thistle, and pain maybe Teasel Root, sleeping maybe Skullcap. I am just beginning, and would love some advice for her last days. Will the alcohol in the tinctures maybe be bad for her? Please if anyone has any suggestions, they can’t do any worse for her than they have.

      • #56952
        Greg Boggs

          So sorry to hear that your sister has had to endure all of that. If you’re just looking to make her comfortable, hops is a great pain reliever. Something like Lemon Balm would also be good as it is said to “lift the spirits” of a person. Some tea (green or black) has some good anticancer properties that might slow down the toll it is taking on her, as well as Sweet Wormwood. Also, I’m a firm believer that a “Merry heart doeth good like a medicine” so, put on some comedic shows or something to make her laugh regularly, which given her situation might be hard, but it would help lift her spirits as well

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        • #56957
          Jerry schrader
          Topic Author

            Thank you very much my friend!

          • #56972

              Hello Jerry,

              I am so sorry to hear about your sister ! I would suggest her taking Ivermectin as the results are amazing for cancer patients ! I will send some links of videos on Ivermectin for cancer below (just t0 be clear this is not to relieve pain but to actually cure the cancer. )




              Hope this helps !


              Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
              All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

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            • #57633
              Jerry schrader
              Topic Author

                She passed last week, it had been a rough 8 years, thank you all for your responses. She was a believer, so much better now.

                • This reply was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Jerry schrader.
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