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    • #48379
      Tammy Green

        What are the best herbal remedies for sleep

        2 users thanked author for this post.
      • #48389
        Herb Thyme

          I like valerian, hops, and skullcap.  Been using a valerian tincture for awhile and it is great to help with sleep.

          3 users thanked author for this post.
          • #48427
            Susan Bryg

              I wish it were so easy.  I made a tea with valerian, skullcap and chamomile.  I got some great sleep the first week or so and then the insomnia returned.

              It seems as if everything I try works for 4-6 weeks and then it doesn’t.  Ditto for castor oil packs.  That worked great for about 6 weeks.

              Be forewarned about Valerian.  It smells really, really bad.  Like really stinky sport shoes, gone sour, bad. 😮


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              • #48701

                  Susan,  I have had the same experience, however, I would take something and it only worked for one night.  Ditto with other herbs I have tried.  I am now using the General Stress Tincture. It has Ginseng in it. (taken early in day, not in the late afternoon) It has helped me with  being able to sleep.

                  As far as Valerian goes, if you cant stand the smell of it, it might not be the herb for you.  Supposedly it works for those who do not mind the smell. (I do not mind the smell) Valerian can also have the opposite affect on certain individuals, meaning it can act like a stimulant instead of a sleep aid.

                  I think its great that the herbs worked for you for 4-6 weeks.  Perhaps its your bodies way of saying you just need to make a switch at that point in time.

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                • #48723
                  Sydnia Ginger Anady

                    i havae been switching up a few of the herbs as my nighttime alertness aka insomnia is a pain ( although I can get lots done).  for instance some nights i use Skullcap, Valerian and Hops, some nights i use Chamomile instead of Skullcap, I also used prickly lettuce, Rose, and Mimosa  and it worked well for me. it seems changing it up some is good.  Also Ashwagandha and Ginseng during the day. let me know if discover any combos that work for you.    I use the Prickly lettuce tincture internal and external as I seem to always over do it in the yard and am a bit sore- its been great for the pain

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                    • #49764
                      Laura Lea Littleton

                        It sounds like you may be on to something with switching things up every so often.  Thank you for your list, I will have to add them to mine.  🙂

                • #48709

                    I have  found that running an essential oil diffuser at night really helps. You can use essential oils like Lavender(my favorite),Chamomile ,Cedarwood, and Peppermint. These oils really calm and relax your body !

                    Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                    All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                    • #48711

                        Do a search on Dogs and essential oils being diffused.  The smaller the dog the more precautions that have to be taken.  I believe it affect their livers and they cannot break them down in their system. (but, dont quote me) If I have time today to locate those links for you, I will.

                        • #48728

                            That would be fantastic ! Thanks Jean 👍 I quickly looked up some safe essential oils that pets can have and included down below. Looking at what I last posted, it seems that Peppermint and Cedarwood would not be good options if you are not a pet free home. I also read that the  type of oil, how concentrated it is and its quality all determine how bad it might be if your dog inhales it. Thanks for your input !

                            • Chamomile
                            • Myrrh
                            • Frankincense
                            • Ginger
                            • Rosemary
                            • Bergamot

                            Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                            All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                        • #48724
                          Sydnia Ginger Anady

                            i do believe that running essential oil diffuser can be harmful to dogs- i remember DOc Jones talking about it but don’t remember the lesson to quote

                        • #48719
                          Sydnia Ginger Anady

                            i like Skullcap, Hops, and Valerian

                          • #48725
                            Sydnia Ginger Anady

                              i watched the lesson on tuning out pain with the Rezimax tuner, and it seems to help with insomnia- i will be buying one for sure… pricy but does have a guarantee so that is encouraging.

                            • #49703
                              Wanda Breighner

                                Same here.  Nothing works consistently for me with anything.  Perhaps that’s a good thing? I would keep us from having our bodies get used to something.  Hopefully someone has some more suggestions:)

                              • #49710

                                  Do you drink or eat anything caffeinated before bed ? I also find getting some exercise and staying active throughout the day can help get to sleep at night. Doctor Jones has a rest easy tincture he made that he sells on his store right here :

                                  Rest Easy Tincture


                                  Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                  All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                                  • #49712
                                    Wanda Breighner

                                      Elizabeth, I don’t usually have caffeine other than some “decaf” coffee in the morning and sometimes some dark chocolate in the afternoon.  I personally don’t notice a difference if I skip those.  Or if I exercise or not.  The rest easy formula has helped immensely but I’m finding I am very groggy until almost noon the next day.  If I take less it doesn’t help.  Now I’m also noticing that I feel depressed since I’ve been taking it.  That’s not normal for me.  I did post this as a question but have not had a response yet.

                                  • #49719

                                      I looked at the herb Skullcap that’s in the formula you are taking to see if it could have any side effects and found an article saying : Chinese skullcap has also been associated with lung complications, and other types — including the American variety — may cause side effects like irregular heartbeat, tics, anxiety, drowsiness, and mental confusion in some people. I just thought this was curious because it matched some of your symptoms. 

                                      Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                      All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                                      1 user thanked author for this post.
                                      • #49727
                                        Wanda Breighner

                                          Thank you! I started the class in the fall and have spent so much time trying to take it all in that I never even looked at the individual herbs. Thr realization hit me this morning that it may be the tincture. I hadn’t remembered reading or hearing of any of the herbs causing these issues. I had another tincture from another company with passionflower and a few other things but I didn’t notice any help from it.

                                        • #49739
                                          Wanda Breighner

                                            Elizabeth, where did you find that info? On this site? All my books that I’ve checked don’t list any complications or contraindications.  But I feel SO much better since I quit taking rest easy.  That’s reassuring and saddens me at the same time.  I feel like I have to tell clients that this could happen to them?

                                            • #49743

                                                Hello Wanda ! I found this information on a site called http://www.webmd.com. I just searched the herbs on their site and it came up with some information on the herbs. I tried earlier sending you the link to the website but I don’t think it actually got sent. Hopefully this helps !

                                                Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                                All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                                                1 user thanked author for this post.
                                                • #49761
                                                  Wanda Breighner

                                                    Thank you @Elizabeth.  I typically run from that site BUT those are my symptoms and none of my resources list anything like this.  @homegrownherbalist any input? Odd that no other books/sites list any of that.  Usually those results are the result of taking things in isolation and not the whole plant.  Or they give massive doses to a rat.  I will check it out!

                                                  • #49762
                                                    Wanda Breighner

                                                      @Elizabeth I can’t find where you’re searching.  I clicked the link.  Herbs was not an option.  When I type in skullcap or skullcap side effects I get ads for companies.  What am I doing wrong?

                                                      • #49775


                                                          Here is the link to the valerian information.



                                                          Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                                          All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                                                        • #49776

                                                            Here is a link to the skullcap information :



                                                            If you scroll down on this site you can see the side effects. So sorry that the link wasn’t working ! Hopefully these do this time !

                                                            Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                                            All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                                                    • #49765
                                                      Laura Lea Littleton

                                                        I just noticed how much you stuck with Wanda to help her get information.  I just wanted to give you a thumbs up for ‘being a good neighbor!”

                                                        1 user thanked author for this post.
                                                      • #49773

                                                          You can save your Rest Easy for topical use.  There are many topical uses for it.

                                                      • #49721

                                                          Maybe the skullcap is causing a bit of anxiety and depression ?

                                                          Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                                          All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                                                          1 user thanked author for this post.
                                                        • #49724

                                                            oops ! I messed up, I realized I responded to the wrong person 🙂

                                                            Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                                            All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                                                          • #49726

                                                              Herb Forms & Dosing For Animals

                                                              On slide 9 It lists plants that are toxic to dogs and cats.

                                                              Regarding Essential Oils: It says To Numerous To List!

                                                              1 user thanked author for this post.
                                                            • #49808

                                                                Lemon Balm is working for me (for sleep)  I dont think its suppose to work for me though.  But, it is. 🙂  Just started 2 nights ago.

                                                              • #49839

                                                                  I think there are a lot of forces working against us in this world when it relates to “sleep”  Some people are more sensitive then others to certain things.  I wonder if there is anyone one on this forum who is fortunate enough to be able to sleep far away from wires and cables and all such stuff.  I would be curious to hear if they have an old fashioned kind of sleep, that when awakening in the morning they are “totally” refreshed.  🙂

                                                                  1 user thanked author for this post.
                                                                • #49941
                                                                  Lisa Bateman

                                                                    In my studies, I have read that valerian can have a stimulating effect in some. It’s similar to people with ADHD who take stimulants to calm down. My son was like that. Allergy med that made my other kids sleepy stimulated him.

                                                                    Lisa Bateman

                                                                    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Lisa Bateman.
                                                                  • #52352

                                                                      New info that maybe helpful to some insomniacs.  I am reading a book about glucose.  Glucose spikes could be behind not being able to sleep through the night.

                                                                      Edited to add: Light-bulb moment: So, maybe the pancreas formula would work!?!?

                                                                      • This reply was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by Jean.
                                                                    • #52367
                                                                      Nancy Jenkins

                                                                        I am in my 70’s and trying to use this computer to navigate these steps is givng me stress, so skullcap added to my sleepy time concoction is being added to night. Thanks to all these commits I think I will get through all of this.

                                                                        • #52368

                                                                            Dear Nancy,  You go girl!  You are doing great!  Good for you!  I admire your courage in moving forward with an online herbal class!  You picked a good one!!!  Yes, online courses can be a struggle (online anything can be a struggle)  But your doing it!  It will get easier as time goes on.  Be at peace with how far you have come so far.  Each day is a new day with new things.  Keep going.  Life is made up of choices. You have done well!  By the way, we may think we are learning at a slow pace . . . but what we are learning is so important!  Slow or fast . . . keep going!

                                                                        • #53974
                                                                          Dr. Patrick Jones
                                                                          Homestead Instructor

                                                                            It’s not just herbs.

                                                                            Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

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