Forums HomeGrown Herbalist Student Forum Case Studies Sleep issues in 9 year old


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    • #41541
      Madison Garza


        I have a 9 year old son who wakes no less than 8 times through the night. He has vivid dreams every night, most of which are about bugs crawling on him. I give him natural clam before bed and recently started giving him calmify, it helped  a couple of nights but now doesn’t seem to be doing anything.

        Just wondering if there was anything that y’all recommend incorporating or something I can check into to help him.

      • #41543

          I recently had to give a health presentation on simple ways to improve sleep. After some research, some factors especially for kids seem to be screen time within 3 hours of bedtime, physical exertion throughout the day, and not eating sweets near bedtime. I know my brothers at that age had so much physical exercise during the day like bike jumping, climbing trees, riding scooters, swimming, catching fish, etc. Now it seems like so many children spend their time inside which doesn’t cause the natural tiredness at the end of the day that brings a sound sleep. Also, being outside when the sun is shining really helps sleep. May not apply but thought I’d through it out there. It sounds like you are already doing the herbal calming supplements.

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        • #41545
          Greg Boggs

            Your post reminded me of another thread here a bit ago
            I think there is some info in here that you might find helpful

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          • #41936
            Megan Bumps

              Will he drink tea (like chamomile or lavender)? Doc has tinctures for sleep. Mixing those into a little bit of juice might help.

              I would also address any fears he has related to bugs if that is causing the nightmares.

              My other thought is that maybe his nerves are doing something to give him the sensation of bugs crawling on him while he sleeps.

              I would also look into acupuncture, chiropractic, or maybe the rezzimax.

            • #42394
              Dr. Patrick Jones
              Homestead Instructor

                One thing lots of folks who don’t sleep well have in common is low magnesium.

                There are lots of other factors that have nothing to do with herbs as well. Have a look at this:


                Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

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              • #45773

                  Hi Dr. Jones,

                  I do like Valerian.

                  The Rest Easy worked for one night.

                  Hops worked for one night.

                  Will keep trying other things that you mentioned ie: other herbs till I get it right.

                  Just took some magnesium (but its a little bit hard on my stomach.)

                  Guess I will go make some Valerian tea for now.  I did go to bed early.  But, here I am a couple of hours later.

                  Thank You So Much for all that You do!

                  • #45782
                    Greg Boggs

                      Sometimes things have to build up in your system before you really feel the effects, don’t give up!

                      • #45791

                          Hi Greg,

                          Yes, I have heard that said recently and have to remember that tidbit of information.  The Valerian tea did make me drowsy enough to be able to sleep.  However, when I drink most any kind of tea, I also get a stomachache.  Always has been that way. So, historically, I have not been a tea drinker at all.  I do love water and can have water without any problems.  Perhaps I need to make the teas very strong to over come the problem.  Even ginger tea all by itself can give me a stomachache.  Chamomile more so.  I have not run across anyone yet that can explain the reasons for this happening.  THANK YOU so much for your reply!

                          • #51977

                              Jean, I’m too lazy to wait for the tea to steep so I just add a spoonful of tincture(s) to a little bit of water. Maybe that won’t bother your stomach.

                              • #51978

                                  Hi Kathleen,

                                  Thank you.  I have recently learned that drinking tea before going to bed is not always a good idea (because then you have to get up to pee in the middle of the night) So, yes, taking a tincture instead would be wiser.

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