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    • #61431

        Good morning all.  Doc, I hope you have a chance to see this question/post.  Hubby is having DOUBLE hernia surgery today.  They made him wipe his entire body down with some kind of antibacterial wipes (it actually called it a “barrier”), presumably so he doesn’t bring into the hospital MRSA or anything else nasty (hope others do it as well).  My questions are:

        1. What should I be giving him when he gets home to get the anesthesia out of his system, as well as anything they use on his skin?

        2.  Once the bandages can come off, what should we be using on the surgery sites and when (after the stitches, or before they are out)?

        3.  Since they made him stop all good “immune system” support products for the last two weeks – should we go for broke and add lots of good immune bumps like fire cider and Immune Support (plus anything else you think of)?  Just to counteract any potential crud he might pick up in the hospital?

        Thanks in advance for the guidance.  Hope you all have a wonderful day.  Prayers for a safe and effective repair are very welcome!

      • #61506

          Sharon, I hope your husband is doing well from surgery!
          I had lower leg surgery back in late November (broke my right fibula and tibia in four spots) and once the incision healed I started using a salve made with jojoba oil, avocado and olive oils infused with plantain, chamomile, calendula, rose hips, and lavender. I added shea butter and aloe vera to it as well when I mixed it, and it’s really helped with keeping the incision site and surrounding skin from feeling too tight and dry. If you wanted to use an herbal tea while the incision is still healing comfrey and plantain may help. I waited a week to start any internal herbs due to the meds they sent me home with – I didn’t want anything to interact with the pharmaceuticals – since then I’m back to taking all of my normal herbal supplements. I also use a topical tincture made with hops, peppermint, cayenne, and arnica flower which has been my go to for the nerve pain. I’ve heard teasel is really good as well, but I didn’t have any on hand to try. I hope this helps and I pray for a speedy recovery for your husband!

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          • #61624
            Topic Author

              Thanks for the well wishes and great suggestions Lisa!  He’s doing well – so far – if I can keep him from going back to all his intense projects LOL!  The doctor told me to make him behave – HA HA HA!  I should have asked if that would work for him and his wife!  Anyway, I have a lot of nerve pain in my back and have been using hops topically – only hops.  I think I will make your concoction with the teasel – hope all of these are good for topical!  Salves don’t seem to work for either of us – they just sit on our skin – forever!  So tinctures topically have kind of been our “go-to” lately.  Hope that leg repair is going well for you now!


              • #61668

                  Sharon, thank you! I got released out of the boot last week, and cleared to start walking again. Yay! I can sympathize with trying to keep your husband from over doing, but from his perspective. Lol, it’s so frustrating to not be able to do everything I want to be doing. All of the herbs I suggested are good for topical use – Arnica Flower is ONLY topical use – the rest you can use internally as well. 🙂
                  Prayers for continued healing!

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                  • #61718
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                      Lisa – woohoo on getting out of the boot – bet you “wanted” to do a happy dance!  I’m incorporating your topical formula for his pain, and if I’m really lucky, it might help my lousy back.  Happy that you’re on the mend better now without the boot!


              • #61659
                Dr. Patrick Jones
                Homestead Instructor

                  Good morning all.  Doc, I hope you have a chance to see this question/post.  Hubby is having DOUBLE hernia surgery today.  They made him wipe his entire body down with some kind of antibacterial wipes (it actually called it a “barrier”), presumably so he doesn’t bring into the hospital MRSA or anything else nasty (hope others do it as well).  My questions are:

                  1. What should I be giving him when he gets home to get the anesthesia out of his system, as well as anything they use on his skin?

                  2.  Once the bandages can come off, what should we be using on the surgery sites and when (after the stitches, or before they are out)?

                  3.  Since they made him stop all good “immune system” support products for the last two weeks – should we go for broke and add lots of good immune bumps like fire cider and Immune Support (plus anything else you think of)?  Just to counteract any potential crud he might pick up in the hospital?

                  Thanks in advance for the guidance.  Hope you all have a wonderful day.  Prayers for a safe and effective repair are very welcome!

                  Anesthetics they’re using for surgery nowadays are eliminated from the body very quickly but a little dandelion leaf and root wouldn’t hurt.  Some comfrey tincture applied near the wound edges will accelerate healing.

                  You can do Immunity support and bugbuster after surgery assuming he isn’t on any meds.

                  Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

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                  • #61717
                    Topic Author

                      Thank you Doc.  I think he upchucked all the anesthesia by the time we got home!  Poor guy, a couple of times while still in recovery, and once more on the way home.  I will plug in the immunity support and bug buster (that they wouldn’t let him have before), and add some dandelion.  I’ve been putting plantain around the edges, but not comfrey.  Will add that as well.  Hope you and your family are all doing wonderful!

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