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    • #27613

        Someone in our church family has come down with a bad case of shingles and is in a lot of pain.  I know I’ve heard/read what to use and how, but for the life of me, it escapes me.  Great memory huh!?  Please help quickly!?

      • #27644
        Joanne Harrison

          I believe that lemon balm was anti viral for herpes cold sores. Also calendula. I use red marine algae personally for cold sores.

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        • #27651

            I would try Lemon Balm with St John’s Wort, Oats and perhaps Passionflower. I wonder if teasel would be good here ?

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          • #27673
            Topic Author

              Thanks guys.  I think these suggestions might be too complicated for him – he’s likely not familiar with herbs and he’d end up having to get many things at the health food store.  I was thinking that I had read or heard about using something as a tea and just “washing” the shingle sores with it, but cannot remember what or where.

              • #27729
                Michelle Koch

                  Yeah, just put some lemon balm tea in a spritzer bottle (keep it in the fridge), and he can spritzer those shingles whenever he needs to.  I’ve heard they are super painful to touch, which makes it difficult to apply soothing salves, lotions, etc.  But a spritzer might be tolerable, no guarantees, though.


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                  • #27999
                    Dr. Patrick Jones
                    Homestead Instructor


                      Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

                • #50820
                  Janna Davies

                    I have a family member who has been using the Lemon Balm tea internally and externally.  She has had great success, in only a week she has moved to the “itch” stage indicating healing. The pain has subsided.  In the tread above, teasel was mention, and yet no one has replied as to whether Teasel would be beneficial for the painful stage.  I would really like to hear if anyone has tried it yet and what results came of it.  Are there any studies about it? Thanks.

                  • #51531
                    Dr. Patrick Jones
                    Homestead Instructor

                      Here are some great ways to find stuff you remember reading somewhere.

                      Search Tools

                      Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

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