If you’re using a Windows computer and run into trouble while trying to open a .zip file, you’re not alone. This issue isn’t with your file or its contents, but rather with Windows itself, specifically its handling of zip files. Sometimes, when you try to view a .zip file’s contents by double-clicking, you might encounter the error message: “Windows cannot complete the extraction. The destination file could not be created.” This problem typically arises from permission issues with the temporary folder that Windows uses for extraction.
But don’t worry! Here’s a step-by-step guide to work around this hiccup, with two methods to choose from:
Method 1: Moving and Extracting the File
Step 1: Move the Zip File: First, you need to relocate the troublesome zip file to a personal folder, such as Downloads, Documents, or Pictures. You can do this by clicking and dragging the file to your desired location. I recommend moving the Zip file onto your desktop.

Step 2: Extract the File: After moving the file, right-click on it and select “Extract All” from the menu. This lets you unzip the files into a folder of your choosing, bypassing the temp folder and its permission issues.

Method 2: Dragging the File to Desktop
Alternatively, if you prefer a quicker method without using the “Extract All” option:
- Open the Zip File: Double-click on the zip file to open it. You won’t extract anything yet; you’re just looking inside.
- Drag the Contents: Click and hold the file(s) or folder(s) inside the zip file, then drag them out to your desktop or any other location outside the zip window. This manual extraction bypasses the need to interact with the temp folder, allowing you to access your files directly. (Note sometime when you drag and drop onto the desktop the file will be automatically sorted, so if you don’t see it right away after dropping it… it might just be on the left side with your other icons).

Important Note
The issue with extraction is due to Windows’ handling of permissions in the temporary folder and is not indicative of a problem with your actual files or their contents, but by using one of the methods described above, you can easily overcome this limitation and access your files as needed.
By following these instructions, you should be able to successfully extract your files without encountering the “Windows cannot complete the extraction” error. Whether you choose to move and extract the file through the context menu or simply drag the contents out to another location, you’ll find that accessing your zip files becomes a breeze.