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    • #20549
      Angela Norris

        My cat was bitten by a poisonous snake two days ago. She went to the vet, received antibiotics, steroids and an IV, and pain medication. I’m sure there is a poultice of some type she needs to help the bite. She was bitten on the neck. She can’t walk much without falling over. she mostly sits (she is in a crate). she will not eat or drink. she is about 5 months old and weighs 6 1/2 lbs. I am concerned about her dehydrating.

      • #20579

          Have you considered Echinacea?  I believe there is a post in the blog about “snake oil”.  I am pretty sure I have heard Doc Jones refer to it in a number of videos.  I hope this helps.

          (REDACTED By Auto-Moderator Robot)>


          • #20623
            Angela Norris
            Topic Author

              Thanks Paige, I read it, but I don’t know if it can be used on cats. or what or how to do anything.

              • #20677

                  Hey Dr. Jones – I think we have a feline emergency here that only you can best answer.  Perhaps you could give Angela some guidance for her little fur baby!

                • #20799

                    How is kitty today Angela?

              • #20679

                  At the very least maybe you could use the tincture in a spray bottle and apply it to the site.  I hope your baby is doing better.


                • #21402
                  Dr. Patrick Jones
                  Homestead Instructor

                    Hi Angela,

                    Sorry about the slow reply, just saw this one. If you have a time-sensitive question shoot me an email or call me.

                    All of my formulas are safe for dogs or cats or livestock.

                    Venom and sting formula internally and topically is perfectly safe for cats. Have a look at the Venomous Bites & Stings Lesson too. Hope kitty is ok.

                    Email doc(at)homegrownherbalist.net

                    Phone 208-410-2381

                    Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                    • #21692
                      Dawn Shelstad

                        Hi Angela – I hope your kitty is OK! We have a LOT of rattlesnakes here and I am super excited to be able to learn how to handle snakebites.

                    • #27937
                      Laura Casiano

                        Hope your kitty is ok Angela, my neighbor just lost her dog from a rattlesnake bite yesterday (with vet care). I wish I would have known and found Dr. Jones’ remedy sooner. Definitely one I am keeping on hand.

                        Wish you the best.

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