Forums HomeGrown Herbalist Student Forum Herbal Medicine Making Elderberry syrup making

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    • #47660
      Tamra Barnes

        I am new into learning about herbs. I have made a couple batches of Elderberry Syrup. First batch had a strong clove flavor, second batch less clove and much better flavor. My husband and I each take a dose daily. A few days ago, my husband thought he may have been coming down with something. I sent two doses of elderberry syrup with him to work. Then he took another dose before bed. He done that a couple of days, thankfully he didn’t come down sick.

        Again, I am new at this. I have never heard of an Elderberry Tincture.  Until doing an assignment, thanks to the Forum.  What is it good for? How do you make it? Dosage?

      • #51193

          Elderberry Tincture: “What is it good for? How do you make it? Dosage?”

          Hi Tamra,  It seems to me that Elderberry syrup and Elderberry Tincture would be used for the same things.  I would prefer the tincture over the syrup just because there is no sweetener used in the tincture.  Basically you pour vodka over the dried berries, put in a dark place for 2-6 weeks and shake everyday. Then strain after the time is up.  (If using fresh berries you would use everclear instead of vodka.)

        • #51195

            Hi Jean, would you do the the same ratio of berries to alcohol like you would with herbs to alcohol  (1:5) ? Also can you use vodka for dried elderberries ?

            Thanks, Elizabeth

            Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
            All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

            • #51196

                Hi Elizabeth, I am going to be making elderberry tincture today.  I will be using vodka with dried berries. I am actually wondering if Doc. Jones ever uses powdered elderberries. He has a kit in his store. I am wondering if he does anything different.  I will try the 1:5 ratio today.  I kind of doubt it is going to work, but, worth a try.  Will let you know what happens!

            • #51197

                You would use everclear for fresh berries.

              • #51198

                  Thank you very much Jean ! I have whole dried elderberries right now but I guess I could grind them up into powder if whole berries don’t work.

                  Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                  All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                • #51200

                    BTW: Normally, one would not powder Elderberries to tincture them.


                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                  • #51201

                      Elizabeth, DO use the whole dried berries.

                    • #51203

                        Okay sounds good ! Thanks Jean for your quick replies and your input 💕 Much appreciated !

                        Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                        All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                        • #51204

                            Shew!  I am glad you didnt powder your berries!!!

                        • #51205

                            Don’t worry, I wasn’t going too till I heard back from you 🙂

                            Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                            All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                          • #51207

                              According to the 1:5 ratio:

                              50 grams of dried berries would require 250 ml of vodka.

                              I put 100 ml’s of vodka in the 50 grams of dried berries and it was more then enough alcohol. (so, less then the 1:5 ratio)

                              However, tomorrow could be a different story once the berries absorb some liquid.

                            • #51208

                                Okay good to know! Thanks for the info.

                                Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                              • #51211

                                  Ok, the berries are absorbing the alcohol.  I am going to go with the full 250 ml.’s of vodka.  Will see what tomorrow brings.

                                • #51219

                                    For informational purposes only: I found some old powdered elderberries in my stash.  So, I looked up the product on the company’s page.  They mentioned that the powdered elderberries can by used in making syrups, tinctures, wine, cordials etc.  They were of the Sambucus ebulus variety.

                                    • This reply was modified 11 months ago by Jean.
                                    • #51233

                                        Interesting. How does your elderberry tincture look today ? I read that whether fresh or dried, chopping up the elderberries exposes more surface area — which means that more alcohol-soluble compounds will be extracted. Do you think I should chop up my elderberries ?

                                        Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                        All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                                    • #51234

                                        “I read that whether fresh or dried, chopping up the elderberries exposes more surface area”

                                        Morning Elizabeth,  The above is why I wondered if Doctor Jones has one powder the berry’s in his Elderberry kit.

                                        I just checked the jar of elderberries and vodka that I mixed up last night and there is plenty of extra fluid.  So, next time I would just cover the berries with enough vodka to cover the berries by 1/4″ and check everyday to see if the berries absorb the excess vodka.

                                        As to your question, yes, I would chop them up a bit to expose more surface area.

                                        Batch two I will chop.

                                        Batch three I will powder.  (I may use the old bought elderberries that came powdered)


                                        • #51237

                                            Good Morning Jean, so just to clarify ,would you do the 50g of elderberries and 250ml of vodka (plus 1/4 ” to cover the berries) to make the tincture ? Thanks for all your help and support !

                                            Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                            All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                                            • #51239

                                                Morning Elizabeth,

                                                It looks like the 50g/250ml is too much alcohol, but, time will tell.

                                                I would not do the 50g/250ml next time around.  I would just put in enough vodka to cover the berries 1/4″ and keep an eye on it. (adding more as necessary)

                                                1 user thanked author for this post.
                                          • #51240

                                              Elderberry syrup making

                                              HomeGrownHerbalist’s video on making tinctures.

                                              I am sure there is much more in the class info. about everything we are doing here.  It may take me some time to find the exact info needed.

                                              1 user thanked author for this post.
                                            • #52339

                                                Hello Jean !

                                                Just wondering how your elderberry tincture worked out and if you would recommend making it ? It is cold and flue season here so I am wanting to stock up on some tinctures and thought making an elderberry tincture would be handy 🙂

                                                Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                                All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                                                • #52340

                                                    Hi Elizabeth,  If I didnt have an elderberry tincture made during cold and flu season, I would A.)  measure a teaspoon of elderberry seeds out and pour 8 oz. of just boiled water over them and let them steep till tea is drinkable temperature wise.  While drinking that tea, I would B.) look on line for an elderberry syrup recipe that has the least amount of sweetener in it.  (I think you can add 2 Tablespoons of vodka per cup of finished syrup to help it last longer.) Otherwise, If your not going to use the homemade syrup up within a month, I would freeze the elderberry syrup in small batches so you can take out a small amount at a time and use it up.  And C.) I would start a tincture asap so you have it after your syrup has been used up. With tinctures, you do not have to worry about them going bad. (but, you do want to store them in a dark,a cool and dry location (in an amber bottle would be best)

                                                    Thank you for reminding me to go upstairs and shake all of my homemade tinctures (including the elderberry one) I did bring the elderberry tincture down, but, cant open it because its a little sticky and so the cover is stuck for the time being. Otherwise, I’d open it and strain the berries out right now.

                                                    Remember that Elderberry works as a preventative, so you want to take it before getting sick or at the onset of getting sick.  Once your lungs fill up with fluids (if that were to happen) you want to move on to something else.  Elderberry works in the beginning of an issue by stopping the viruses from replicating.  See the video in the link below.

                                                    • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by Jean.
                                                    • #52344

                                                        Thank you Jean for all the advice ! I will be making an elderberry tincture this week and also plan to make some syrup as well 🙂

                                                        Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                                        All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                                                  • #52341

                                                      Elder, Elderberry (Sambucus nigra)

                                                      Here you go Elizabeth!

                                                      The third part shows how to make elderberry syrup!

                                                      • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by Jean.
                                                      1 user thanked author for this post.
                                                    • #52345

                                                        How to Make a Tincture Using the Ratio Method

                                                        How to make a tincture

                                                        1 user thanked author for this post.
                                                      • #53275
                                                        KATHRYN DELONG

                                                          My recipe has been very useful: the base is 1 cup of dried berries (or two cups fresh) in 4 cups water, with added fresh  ginger to taste (we like to use 2 inches), 1 tsp. cinnamon, half a dozen cloves, and when there is a worry the sore throat might be strep, I add a teaspoon of golden seal (or a bit larger amount of Oregon Grape Root) and 1/4 cup echinacea root, then simmer all for about an hour. Then strain and add honey (unless this will be given to a child under two, then use sugar, but no honey, or golden seal, or echinacea). It’s fun to make a treat of this syrup by putting a couple tablespoons into a glass and adding fizzy water (flavored or not) to taste. My kids love it. We sometimes also add a little homemade chocolate syrup to the elderberry syrup before adding the sparkling water. That’s a real treat, too.

                                                          1 user thanked author for this post.
                                                        • #53279

                                                            If one cannot have honey nor alcohol, you can also just take the berries and make a hot tea with them. It is actually quite lovely this way.

                                                            • This reply was modified 8 months, 4 weeks ago by Jean.
                                                          • #53335

                                                              In regards to dosing for the elderberry tincture, how much can I take per day and what quantity? (tablespoons,teaspoons,drops ect)

                                                              Thanks ! Elizabeth


                                                              Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear,
                                                              All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer!

                                                            • #53340

                                                                Elderberry Tincture

                                                                If you scroll down just a little bit, it gives recommendations for tinctures.

                                                                I believe this would be a 1:5 ratio.



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