About The Homegrown Herbalist
School of Botanical Medicine
Founding a Groundbreaking School
Dr. Patrick Jones, founder of the HomeGrown Herbalist School of Botanical Medicine has been a practicing veterinarian for over 25 years. He is also a clinical herbalist and traditional naturopath. For decades he has seen the power of herbs bless the lives of his veterinary patients as well as his human clients.
Because of his veterinary credentials, Dr. Jones is regularly able to treat cases that most herbalists would not have within the normal scope of their practice. Gangrene, rattlesnake bites, gunshot wounds, poisonings, massive hemorrhage, shock, brain trauma, sepsis, and countless other conditions have been part of Dr. Jones’ daily herbal practice for decades. Dr. Jones has literally seen miracles with medicinal plants in his veterinary practice and has used his extensive experience to help his human clients as well.
Different Roots, and Different Results
As a result, our program differs significantly from the typical online herb school. There is nothing “theoretical” or “historical” about the curriculum of the HomeGrown Herbalist School. The lessons and principles taught are the result of years of real clinical practice “in the trenches”. This is not “cut and paste” herbalism or the regurgitation of ideas read in books written by folks that read things in other books. This is real, practical, functional herbal medicine.
The HomeGrown Herbalist School curriculum is based on a solid understanding of anatomy, physiology, and the process of disease. Only by understanding these fundamentals can we really build a foundation for true healing. Add to that a deep understanding of how and why the plants do what they do to the body (rather than merely memorizing long lists of their various actions) and you have, at the end of the program, a student that is truly prepared to practice as a clinical herbalist.
Because of his veterinary experience, Dr. Jones also teaches the veterinary applications of herbal remedies throughout the course.
Online and In-Person – Something for Everyone
Though all of the coursework can be completed online, there are also hands-on workshops, plant walks, and masters’ seminars to ensure that each student receives true mentoring in the art and practice of herbal medicine. These workshops and herb walks are also recorded on video so that even those that can’t attend in person can benefit from the experience. These workshops and seminars are put on at various times throughout the year at various locations to facilitate attendance. Each online learning module also has an assessment quiz to reinforce your learning. Some lessons also include assignments that are reviewed by the instructor individually with each student. A students-only forum is also available for individual and group discussions with Dr. Jones and other students.
A Fundamental Difference
The fundamental principle of The HomeGrown Herbalist philosophy is that our strongest botanical relationships in healing need to be rooted in our own local soil. Heavy emphasis is placed on plants that are easily grown or abundantly available in the wild. Learning to cultivate, locate, identify, harvest and process these local medicinal plants is an important part of being a self-reliant, successful clinical herbalist.
Students work at their own pace as life allows with no deadlines or timetables. The cost of the program is a fraction of that of many comparable programs and we are confident that the content is unsurpassed in the industry.
Course Content
When do classes start and how do I enroll?
How long does it take to complete the Master Herbalist course?
Can I call if I have a question on the course material?
What sets the Homegrown Curriculum apart from other herbal schools?
What can an Herbalist legally do in the United States?
What type of certification do I get for finishing? Is this school accredited?
Ratings and Reviews

I love the way Doc Jones presents the plants and practices of herbalism in a no-nonsense way. Whatever the students' beliefs or backgrounds, we all find a way to level-up our herbal practice. I'm learning so much. This is some of the best info I've ever had access to!
This course is so indepth of the workings and companion herb’s along with how the body works makes this indispensable for herb knowledge. Thank you so much Dr. Jones for the information in this course. It has been worth every penny!
It takes me so long to finish each subject but I just wish I had more time to study. I like that I will never finish learning--that is more important to me than finishing a course and getting a certificate. I like that I will be a forever student!!! I have not taken advantage of a lot this course has to offer but I am still satisfied. I feel so much more confident in my knowledge base.
The very best part of this course is that I have a life time access to the information. Next, everything is practical information. No 'history lessons', no 'woo-woo' stuff. And the herbs that Doc Jones uses are ones that are easily available and most may be grown in may garden or greenhouse. Also Doc Jones' style of teaching was clear & easy to understand. The PDF's reinforces the videos.
The informative and easy teaching style of Dr. Patrick Jones makes this a valuable and attainable endevor. Having information about animals as well as human needs is an added bonus. Particularly pleased that the course is straight forward without esoteric deviations.Very happy to be part of the academy enrollement.
I've enjoyed learning from Doc Jones. His humor and encouragement make learning fun. He keeps things simple and does a great job at making things easy to understand for those who are new to herbs. It's been a great experience.
I wasn't sure what to expect except for gaining some knowledge of herbs and their uses. But Doc Jones takes you way beyond that into body systems, diseases & herbal interactions. He takes a very down to earth approach to teaching. He teaches with warmth & humor in an easy-to-understand language that everyone can appreciate. I love this course and recommend it to any would-be herbalist.
I love that the Dr. covers so many different things that I do not find in any other herbal books or studies. I most value his vast experience as a veterinarian and that he is honest in what works and what does not…when traditional medicine is better and when herbal intervention is better and when both compliment each other for the best results. I am truly enjoying my studies with him!