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    • #47985
      Jodi Lusk

        My husband suffers from chronic headaches and has been taking butterbur capsules for quite some time. However, it is important to know that it shouldn’t be taken for more than 4 months. He had taken it for at least a year as a preventive and began having gut issues and generally didn’t feel well. When he stopped the butterbur, he saw a huge improvement in just the first day. Lesson learned – we didn’t do enough research and he suffered greatly for it.

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      • #50818

          Hello Jodi, Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I’m glad your hubby found immediate relief. This is one of the reasons (of a very limited list) that I like the internet. I also found the caution on Butterbur, due to the pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs). There are PA free Butterbur capsules, I’m told, if you wanted to search it out for his headaches. I decided to go with Feverfew for my daughter’s chronic migraines based on Doc Jones and others. She finds that very helpful as a preventative and on her breaks/off the herb she uses a Lemon Balm or a homeopathic alternative.

          I have notes from Migraine intensives that the equivalent of one leaf of Feverfew daily is enough to prevent them, in time. (note Chamomile allergies may also be allergic to Feverfew) Also, a special webinar on migraines taught me that with early notice, before the onset of a migraine (particularly with aura onset), one should down 2 heaping tablespoon of ginger to abort the migraine. I would find that completely impossible but KP Kalsa says it stops it in many cases and can be done a 2nd time if it starts to return a few hours later. His 2nd option is Meadowsweet and Willow bark. His 3rd option is Poppy seed & Corygalis Chinese herb (opiods). Based on what is available to you at the time. He says prevention is key and often Magnesium deficiency and stagnant Liver are part of the driving force. So that is an area to work out. In long term efforts to stop chronic migraines, he adds Gotu kola to heal nerves, reregulate and nourish nervous system, an edible food like of parsely and spinach, areial parts 30 grams dose as tea taken over 6 months. He offers Bai zhi to move blood in head meridian at 10 grams a day decocted or capsules.  And Doc Jones also offers Peony, like KP who suggests 8 grams typical effective dose but should be lower to start and work up to what fixes your migraines. It is effective on more than half of the cases tested (60%). All that plus Valerian dose a day and higher dose at bedtime because often chronic migraines are presented with anxiety and insomia. Lastly he noted that one should BM at least once a day … so pay attention to his digestive health.

          I hope you find that helpful … migraines are aweful.

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