Forums HomeGrown Herbalist Student Forum Veterinary Herbology Dog Allergy Spots and Skin Growths

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    • #41661

      Hi All,

      Newbie here. Gracie, my “fur niece”, a lab mix rescued from a shelter, has had issues with summer allergies for 6 years.  We have been told that she is allergic to grass. She has gone to several vets, but none have been able to help with the scabs she gets all over her body.  They rub off easily and pull hair with them.  The shampoo the vet prescribe is only effective short-term.  I tried some colloidal silver on a few spots and it seemed to help them heal.  What herbs should I use to make a tincture or just mix into her food to help her?

      Then a growth started to grown out of the top of one paw six months ago and then out of her back side.  She nibbled on the backside and it started to bleed.  I have yarrow and wondered if that would be a good plant to use to stop the bleeding.  I have wondered if she has cancer and I do not want her to hurt.

      Could someone suggest some of Doc’s formulas or herbs that would work well for Gracie?  Has anyone had a dog with scabbed spots that found something that worked well for them?   We have done an elimination diet and that has not stopped any of the itchy scabs in the summer.

      The Lord had given us so many herbs to use! I am so thankful for Doc Jones teaching us how to use them!  Thanks for any wisdom, hints, or tips you can pass along.  Gracie and I are grateful for your help!



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    • #41691

        Hi Kathleen,

        I’m so sorry to hear of Gracie’s health challenges. I’m new to this all so I hesitate to give my two cents. But I saw that no one had responded so I thought I’d share what I could Whenever my animals have different small wounds or abrasions, I always use infused comfrey oil to speed the healing. I don’t know if the hots spot you referred to would benefit or not. I’m sure you’ve checked this, but some of my animals have gotten hairless, scabby spots just from fleas, seed ticks, or mange. Just some thoughts. I think you are spot on to use yarrow to stop bleeding as well. I really hope Gracie improves!


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        • #41766

          Hi Kathleen,

          I would ask you first what type of diet Gracie is on? I am a long-term proponent of a species-appropriate diet, and I have seen huge changes in allergy symptoms in dogs when you put them on a species-appropriate diet. Herbs will help like putting a bandage on the spots, but really you need to get to the root cause which, commercial dog foods are full of carcinogens and are likely the culprit. I helped a friend take her bulldog who was allergic to everything, grass, foods, carpet, etc… the list was huge! Her ears were swollen shut and her whole  body was covered in red itchy spots. She started out very cautious with one raw food and stuck with it for 1-2 weeks, then introduced another. By the 2-3 week her ears were opening up and she had stopped itching. Sometimes our pooches react to other things in the environment because their systems are on overload internally. If you want to give it a try I would be happy to help you. The herbs topically will help in the meantime. I would try stinging nettle and plantain as well as anything else you may be using. Make a salve with coconut oil. Hope this helps. Also, if you do try it, no need to wean them off of anything, just start right away. I can give you a guideline of what to do, just reach out if you want to try.

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      • #41765
        Greg Boggs

          I’m not sure if this would work with what your dog is experiencing but it might help. My wife made a balm of beef tallow with lavender and calendula infused olive oil to put on the hot spots of my parent’s dog and it completely cleared up within a few days.

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          • #43298

              theresa, i am interested in finding out more. I have a small terrier who is allergic to fleas, and while on flea meds, till reacts and is constantly itching but it only happens in the fall. The rest of the year we can keep the itching under control. Wondering if switching him to all raw would help. Wondering where to start. The raw foods on the market are so expensive and I am feeding 3 dogs, the other 3 are large labs and eat a lot more. I cant afford the bagged raw foods for all 3. I would probably need to make my own?

              • This reply was modified 7 months ago by Karen.
          • #42236
            Kathleen Miller
            Topic Author

              Elena, Theresa, and Gregg,

              Thank you so much for all of your suggestions and help!  It is wonderful to be a part of such a caring community.  I used the tallow and it did help Gracie’s ear, Greg.  Theresa, I agree with you about the raw food diet, but doubt my sister would be interested in doing it.  For the times I have Gracie, what would your suggestions be?  I know she loves cooked green beans and corn cobs.  Elena, I appreciated your comment.  Thank you all for your help!!


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