Forums Herb-Talk | Archive Botanical Medicine Veterinary Herbology Flea and Tick med. reaction

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    • #37592

      :poke: With in a few days of putting a flea and tick med. on my dog, she started forming rock hard lumps under her skin on one side. I had also bathed her with Veterinary Formula shampoo. (It took a while for it to register it was after applying that stuff!) They stayed like that for weeks, then they started bursting. It wasn’t the puss that a person would expect, like from subcutaneous cysts, but blood!

      After a month of this it’s slowly moving to her other side also. she has hair loss around the areas.

      There’s no foul odor. When it first started her skin was warm to the touch.

      I tried hydrogen peroxide to begin with. I took her to a vet who gave her a quick once over and was more concerned about her weight and told me to use a different shampoo Benzol Peroxide. She wanted me to buy antibiotics, saying it was prob. just infected hair follicles… but I didn’t have the money.

      I’ve been fighting with the fact these bleed, then form a large hard scab that she knocks off under the sheets (yes she sleeps with me), or will roll outside (must itch) then walk around streaked in blood.

      A couple days ago a friend told me to try some Aquaphor, and that seems to help keep it moist enough to allow the scabs to do what they’re suppose to.

      SO WITH THAT the question is: what do I do about this problem AND what can I do for flea and tick replant. I moved from WA to AL and never had to deal with the critters that are out here…and they are everywhere! I dread chigger season! :face palm 2:

    • #37631
      Dr. Patrick Jones
      Homestead Instructor

        I’ve been a practicing vet for about 30 years and have never seen any reaction like that to the flea meds folks use. I’m guessing it’s something else.

        I’d look at these.

        Don't use herbs or combine herbs with medications or use them during lactation or pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider.

      • #37684
        Michelle Koch

          I know it’s expensive, but being in Alabama, I do hope you’ve got her on some heartworm preventative. Heartworms are extremely common in that part of the country — in fact, I moved from Nevada to Virginia, and heartworms are super common here too. And I personally don’t trust the topical flea preventatives out here. I am using the chewable prescription (they are using Nexgard here on the east coast, they said Bravecto doesn’t work on this side of the country, for some reason). Anyway, the only problem I have is the fleas and ticks can still bite my dog, but at least they die before they can reproduce and infest our home. Good luck!

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