• This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 weeks ago by .
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    • #46670
      Shannon Reiss

        Just started this course so I’m really not sure if my question is in one of the lessons but I’m looking for something to help my son with ADD.  He is also ‘high-functioning autistic’ (not sure if that would matter or not).  Anything that we could try to help get him motivated and interacting with others???  Any thoughts are greatly appreciated and welcomed.

      • #46673
        Greg Boggs

          Doc has a formula that you might be interested in checking out.

          Focus A.D.H.D – Tinture Bundle

          Also, you’ll want to check out the lessons on the Nervous System for more information


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          • #46749
            Shannon Reiss
            Topic Author

              Greg, thanks for this info.  Going to check it out now.

          • #46714

              This may not apply to you, but figured I’d mention it. We have some friends whose children struggle with focus and two out of the three were considered on the autism spectrum. They came to our farm for dinner once a week during this time so we were pretty familiar with them. Their mom read that children being exposed to and/or using media can be the cause of a lot of problems with focus, interacting with others, and problem solving. So she took her took all technology and media out of their life. No TV running in the house, no device use, etc., but replaced it with lots of time outdoors playing and no-tech toys (stuffed animals, trucks, dolls, etc) or books for indoor time.  These children improved drastically! So amazing to watch! They became interested in all sorts of things in nature and eager to learn. They soon had long attention spans for crafts and work. And they interacted so much better with others, looked people in the eye while communicating, better expressed their thoughts, etc. It was pretty amazing. Overall they got more fit and trim and joyful. Just thought I’d mention the changes I witnessed. I think if only more parents knew this, their children would be able to thrive more. It seems children really need good, old-fashion play rather than technology.

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              • #46748
                Shannon Reiss
                Topic Author

                  Elena,  I absolutely agree.  When we can eliminate the technology he does so much better.  Unfortunately all his college classes are online so there is no way to eliminate the electronics.  Thanks for the reminder though.  We can sure try and keep it to the bare minimum.😊

                • #52462

                    Joelle – thank you for this outstanding information.  I’ve long known that technology creates “less intelligent” children, but the autism angle is new info to me.  I am going to save this info for others!

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