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    • #46616

        Hi all!

        It’s garden planning season and I am looking to start a rose bush from seed. After a good deal of looking into it, I am considering Rosa Rugosa for its flower and rose hip production. I’ve heard it is known as the “sand rose” for its wild growth along shorelines, but am worried my New Jersey heavy clay soil will stunt it.

        All suggestions are welcome!

      • #46857
        Angela Boggs

          When growing garden vegetables I typically try to plant in 2 ways. For instance when planting zucchini, I plant a start and also plant a seed next to it at the same time. Depending on the timing, the weather etc. some years the start does fine, some years the start dies and the seed does fine, some years they both do fine. But either way I guarantee better success by doing both.

          I think the same type of thinking would work good for you since you don’t seem to have lots of experience growing roses to know what works in your specific garden. I would suggest trying to grow the rose from seed, from root stock, AND buying a plant. You can try all 3 and see what works best for you. That would hopefully guaratee a harvest as well. The goal is to harvest rose hips, not just experiment.

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        • #47307
          Topic Author

            Good point about trying multiple “starters,” if I can find the same type as a young plant or cuttings from an online source for the early spring, I will definitely consider it! There are some people in my area that have had good success with hybrid roses, but I have yet to hear back from them.

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